MLA Small & Strategic Pre-Conference Breakout Sessions

*Schedule is subject to change

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

10:30 – 11:15 AM  |  11:30 AM – 12:15 PM  |  1:30 - 2:15 PM



Tuesday, October 15, 2024 | 10:30 - 11:15 AM

Make the Most of MeL

Room: Peninsula Room

Patrons expect the library to be everything to everyone. How can frontline staff be prepared to answer questions about car repair, getting ready for the GED, and locating forms for a small business? The Michigan eLibrary eResources (MeL) can help! MeL includes eResources such as eBooks, articles, and tutorials to solve your patrons' information needs and stretch your budget dollars. Join this session to discover practical tips and tricks for utilizing Michigan's free, 24/7 online library.


At the end of the session participants will:

  • Be able to identify potential MeL eResources to answer a patron question.
  • Be able to demonstrate the use of a MeL eResource for a patron.


Laura Warren-Gross
MeL Engagement Specialist for Public Libraries, Midwest Collaborative for Library Services (MCLS)

Laura Warren-Gross is the MeL Engagement Specialist for Public Libraries. In this role, she provides MeL eResource training for public library staff across Michigan. When she is not working, you'll find her reading, traveling, and hanging out with her family.


The Importance of Servicing Tweens and Have Fun Doing It!

Room: Council Room

Bru! Tweens are anything but basic and have mad rizz. But tweens today face a multitude of challenges that can impact their emotional, social, and physical well-being. No cap. By engaging with public libraries during this critical stage, tweens are more likely to develop a lifelong relationship with libraries, which can lead to continued use and support throughout their lives. This curious, enthusiastic, and all-around awesome demographic is at a critical stage in their development of literacy skills.


At the end of the session participants will:

  • Learn strategies for engaging tweens in the library that help to encourage lifelong learning through tween programming and resources.
  • Understand the role of public libraries in providing a space for tweens that supports diverse interests and backgrounds.
  • Have examples of how to empower and elevate the voices of tweens in their community.


Katie Kirk
Youth Service Librarian, Gary Byker Library of Hudsonville

Katie is the Youth Services Librarian for the Gary Byker Library in Hudsonville, MI, where she works with kids, teens, and families. Katie has been working in libraries for 10 years. Currently, she runs the youth department, youth collection development, programming and outreach. She loves connecting and learning from her young patrons. Over the years, she has become more passionate about collaborating with others and spreading the love of libraries to the community.


Library Policy Workshop

Room: Directors Room

Good, legal policies are crucial to the operations of any library. A well-written and thoughtfully enforced policy can reduce conflict, limit liability, and make the library a better place to work and visit. This interactive session will provide participants with the knowledge and tools to create clear thoughtful policies that consider the law and enforcement. Participants will receive a checklist and policy template.


At the end of the session participants will:

  • Discover the legal importance of well-written, thoughtful policies.
  • Discuss the building blocks of good policy drafting.
  • Be able to demonstrate how to assess an existing policy.


Clare Membiela
Library Law Consultant, Library of Michigan

Clare Membiela has worked with law in libraries for over 30 years, first as a law firm librarian, then in Law School libraries, and now for the Library of Michigan. She has an MLS (with a law librarian specialty) from Southern Connecticut State University and a J.D. from University of Miami Law School. In her job with LM, Clare enjoys working with libraries of all types from across Michigan.



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Tuesday, October 15, 2024 | 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM

Smart and Strategic AI Use in Small and Rural Libraries

Room: Peninsula Room

Small and rural libraries have big dreams but limited time. This practical session will explore situations in which free or low-cost generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI) tools can help small and rural library staff get more done in less time - without being unethical. Attendees will leave the session with practical ideas they can implement right away on a limited budget, as well as a few situations in which Gen AI may not be the best tool.


At the end of the session participants will:

  • Recognize everyday AI tools they are already using.
  • Identify at least 3 scenarios in which generative AI tools can be helpful in getting things done with small staffs.
  • Identify and know how to mitigate privacy risks when using generative AI tools.


Kristin Fontichiaro
Clinical Professor, University of Michigan

Kristin Fontichiaro is a clinical professor at the University of Michigan School of Information. An award-winning author, editor, and educator, she has written dozens of books for librarians, educators, and youth.


Strategic Partnerships: How to Avoid the Piranhas

Room: Directors Room

Small libraries may have limited funds, space, or staff, but they can extend their reach through partnerships. However, not all partnerships are created equal. How do you identify the most strategic partners, and how do you avoid the dreaded “piranhas?” (Partners who chew up resources and provide little in return.) This session will provide an overview of the elements of successful partnerships, and those to avoid, followed by brainstorming and mapping to identify truly strategic partners.


At the end of the session participants will:

  • Be able to describe the elements necessary to ensure a successful partnership and explain the importance of these elements.
  • Be capable of using a visual mapping tool to identify strategic potential partners based on the following criteria: relationship, resource-based influence, non-resource-based influence.


Michelle Bradley
Library Development Manager, Library of Michigan

Michelle Bradley is the Library Development Manager at the Library of Michigan. She previously worked in public library administration and library consortia. She holds an MLS and a Graduate Certificate in Public Management and a B.A. in Advertising, and is also a certified Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator, Coach, and Trainer. She is passionate about helping libraries design strategies for success. As a certified Forest Bathing Guide, you can find her in her off-work hours enjoying nature.


Adult Sensory Story Time: Embracing Neurodivergent Adults in Your Community

Room: Council Room

More information about this session is coming soon!



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Tuesday, October 15, 2024 | 1:30 - 2:15 PM

Empowering Small Libraries: Increasing Access to Local History with LMDigital

Room: Peninsula Room

Small libraries often have a wealth of local history materials in their collections, but providing digital access to these collections can be expensive and technologically prohibitive when adopting new systems. This session will provide an overview of the LM Digital hosting program and training on the process of uploading content. It will highlight strategic ways for small libraries to provide access to digital local history collections using this free resource from the Library of Michigan.


At the end of the session participants will:

  • Evaluate the suitability of LM Digital for their library's digital access needs.
  • Assess potential challenges and solutions for providing access to digital local history materials.
  • Understand the requirements and process of contributing to LM Digital.


Biz Gallo
Statewide Digitization Initiatives Coordinator, Library of Michigan

Biz Gallo is the Statewide Digitization Initiatives Coordinator at the Library of Michigan. After spending the past eight years helping cultural heritage institutions across the country preserve their audiovisual collections through archival reformatting, she transitioned to state government in order to support libraries and cultural heritage organizations in Michigan create, provide access to, and preserve digital collections.

Jennifer Sasota
Digitization Librarian, Library of Michigan

Jennifer Sasota possesses 23 years of experience in various roles within both the State of Michigan and Federal libraries. Jennifer earned her Master of Library Science Degree from Penn West Clarion and holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology and Social Science from Upper Iowa University. She is passionate about creating accessibility and preserving historical materials through digitization.


Youth Programming Roundtable

Room: Council Room

More information about this session is coming soon!


Grant Writing Tips and Tricks

Room: Directors Room

Interested in ways to acquire grant funding for your library? Not sure how to start or where to go for information? Whether you are a small library with one full time person, or a larger library with many branches and lots of staff, grant writing can be an intimidating world to enter. But don't let it stop you! Be informed, be organized, and be tenacious. This session will be part presentation and part information sharing as we work together to develop and/or improve our grant writing skills.


  • At the end of the session, participants will have a list of grantee organizations to contact regarding grant funding.
  • At the end of the session, participants will learn how to develop written templates to aid in applying for grants.
  • At the end of the session, participants will leave with at least one grant they will apply for their library with then next 6 months.

Session Materials


Cindi Place
Interim Director, Crooked Tree District Library

A retired school media specialist from Boyne City Schools, the Technology, Reference, and Adult Services Librarian at Boyne District Library, and now the Director at Bellaire Public Library. She serves on the Mid-Michigan Library League Board, member of ALA, ARSL, MLA, the Bellaire Chamber of Commerce Board (Treasurer), and a member of the Bellaire DDA. She received her BS from Central Michigan University, a media specialist degree at CMU, and MLIS from Wayne State University.



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