MLA 2021 Virtual Conference Archives
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Library Friends and the Academic Library
Hear about how one academic library has been supported over the years by their Friends group. Get ideas on how a Friends of the Library organization can help support spaces, collections and programs at your academic library. Be inspired by suggestions for fundraisers and friendraisers and more. Learn how a Friends group can bring people together across campus with a shared love for the library. You'll leave this session brimming with ideas and enthusiasm!
Grants for Programs - Writing and Managing a Grant Budget
Helping your community is at the heart of library service. But how do you fund a needed program? Grants are an option but getting one may not be easy. Many grant applications do not get approved because the budget is not appropriate for the project. For libraries that receive a grant, managing the grant funds can also be difficult. Come learn about writing budgets for grant applications and managing funds for grants. Be prepared to make the most of funding opportunities for your library.
Financing Library Construction and Improvement Projects
Delve into the details on the types of projects that can be funded with bonds, different types of bond structures, and the Michigan laws that must be met when bonding for a capital project. In addition, learn about the timeline and steps of library financing and what to think about when undertaking a bond issuance, including the funding resource to repay the bond's debt service.
No Pictures Please! First Amendment Audits: How Libraries can Prepare
Michigan libraries are the latest group to be in the viewfinder of "First Amendment Auditors" looking to garner attention and embarrass public officials on social media. These "audits" can be stressful and traumatic for staff and patrons who witness them. What should a library think about when considering policies and procedures related to First Amendment Audits? A practicing Library Law Attorney and a Law Librarian turned Library Law Consultant provide a "snapshot" history of First Amendment Audits and focus on how libraries can prepare for and mitigate an audit.
Thursday Morning Keynote With Dan Cable - Becoming Exceptional
Each of us already has a version of ourselves that is uniquely outstanding—all we have to do is access it. In this session, we will look at the science of how we can get there more often, and help others do the same. Our discussion will focus on how we can discover our best possible self, and unlock our potential. We also will discuss how to energize people and improve our social relationships using the power of gratitude and celebrating strengths. Finally, we will discuss crafting our jobs and our lives so that they feel whole, meaningful, and alive.
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