Close up of Education Muse painted on the interior of the Capitol dome in Lansing, Mi 

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MLA Advocacy News


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Gov. Whitmer's Appointments to the Library of Michigan Board of Trustees

On August 15, Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced two appointments to the Library of Michigan Board of Trustees.

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Justice for All Commission Seeks Library Representation

The Justice for All Commission currently has an open seat for appointment of an individual on behalf of the Michigan libraries as a stakeholder group.

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Michigan Library Millages August Election Results

Check out our roundup of the August 6, 2024 election results for millage issues on ballots around the state. There were 42 millage questions on the ballots and 38 of these passed. We are proud of the library boards, staff, and supporters for their work on these campaigns and their dedication to supporting their libraries. The Library of Michigan provides a listing of Public Library Millage Election Results from 2010 to the present, including the library millage type, if the millage is new, a renewal or a renewal with an increase, the number of yes and no votes, the term, and the year it takes effect. View the results (pdf)

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ALA Advocacy Alert: #FundLibraries in FY25

The U.S. House of Representatives has proposed a 15% cut to federal library funding. Contact your federal legislators using the ALA action center and tell them we need their help to preserve and expand this critical funding and the services it supports.

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Celebrate MI Right to Read Week

Get ready to celebrate Right to Read week here in Michigan! This September 22-28 we are sharing a positive and proactive message that emphasizes access, diversity in library collections, librarian qualifications, and protection of our First Amendment rights. Here’s an example of our creative campaign using the ALA theme of “FRead Between the Lines.” Using black out poetry each day, we will have a new and inspiring message that we hope you will share with your patrons. Watch our social media sites for 7 different versions of our campaign.  We’ll have them posted on our website in advance so you can grab them if you want as well.

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Uniting the Michigan Library Community

MLA is proud to partner with organizations serving the library community.

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