News - Advocacy
Close up of Education Muse painted on the interior of the Capitol dome in Lansing, Mi 

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MLA Advocacy News


News - Advocacy
Friday, June 23, 2023 12:00 AM

Partner with National Voter Registration Day 2023

MLA has signed on to partner with National Voter Registration Day 2023 and we encourage libraries to join us! First observed in 2012, National Voter Registration Day is a nonpartisan civic holiday celebrated every September. This year, National Voter Registration Day is September 19, 2023.

News - Advocacy
Friday, June 23, 2023 12:00 AM

Intellectual Freedom Resources

Recently, we have seen escalations in the tactics of book ban proponents in Michigan. Keep an eye out for the following in your community:

In Lapeer County, a prosecutor was reported to be considering bringing charges against the director of the public library for keeping the frequently-targeted book Gender Queer available to the public. U.S. publishers are not producing obscene books, and providing access to a book in the library is not a crime. As discussed in the linked news article, attempting to force a library to censor books with legal threats may even backfire as removing books from a public library based on viewpoint may leave the library open to a First Amendment violation lawsuit.

News - Advocacy
Friday, May 26, 2023 12:00 AM

Michigan Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference

Every six months economic forecasters come together to project revenues for the State of Michigan upon which the next fiscal year budget is created. On May 19, these forecasters predicted that revenues will be lower than what was predicted last January, due in part to purposeful policy plans implemented by the Whitmer administration including major tax relief policies and business incentives, and an income tax cut.

News - Advocacy
Friday, May 26, 2023 12:00 AM

What Do Michiganders Really Think? MLA Public Opinion Survey on Public Libraries And Book Banning

In March 2023, the Michigan Library Association contracted with EPIC-MRA, a full-service survey research firm with expertise in Public Opinion Surveys and Market Research Studies to conduct a statewide survey on library issues. While we have been using national studies to prove that book banning and censorship issues are not tolerated by the majority of voters in the country, we now have solid Michigan data to back this up.

News - Advocacy
Friday, April 28, 2023 12:00 AM

Michigan Library Advocacy Day

On Tuesday, April 25 the Michigan Library Association hosted its first in-person Michigan Library Advocacy Day in more than a decade. The sold-out event brought together 125 library advocates representing public, school, academic, tribal, and special libraries from all over Michigan to share the message that Strong Libraries = A Stronger Michigan.

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Uniting the Michigan Library Community

MLA is proud to partner with organizations serving the library community.

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