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MLA Advocacy News


News - Advocacy
Thursday, July 30, 2020 12:30 PM

Updates on Executive Orders Affecting Libraries

July 30, 2020

On Wednesday, July 29, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed Executive Order 2020-160 and Executive Order 2020-161, amending Michigan’s Safe Start Order and issuing revised workplace safeguards.

The Governor stated that with rising cases throughout Michigan, these updates were necessary to protect lives and slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Under the Safe Start Order, starting July 31, 2020, statewide indoor gatherings will be limited to 10 people, outdoor gatherings are not to exceed 100 people, and bars will be closed for indoor service across the state, including in Regions 6 and 8. Regions 6 and 8 also have different limits on gatherings.

News - Advocacy
Thursday, July 23, 2020 12:00 AM

Executive Orders: What Number Are We up To?

July 23, 2020

Wondering if anyone else out there in library land is finding it hard to remember what Executive Orders we are now paying attention to? We started this conversation back on March 16th with EO 2020-09 and from then until now, there have been over 150 and we are still climbing the ladder. Since that time, MLA has continued to stay on top of the Executive Orders that affect our work, and while it is good to note that many Executive Orders have been rescinded over the past 4 months, we continue to confuse ourselves every day by what number is or isn’t still in effect. 

News - Advocacy
Friday, July 17, 2020 12:00 AM

Gov. Whitmer Extends Orders Allowing Remote Meetings and Hearings With New Executive Order

July 17, 2020

Governor Whitmer today signed Executive Order 2020-154, which extends previous executive orders to provide temporary alternative means to conduct public meetings, conduct administrative proceedings, and provide the required notice under tax abatement statutes.

Under Executive Order 2020-154, all three previous orders are consolidated and extended to protect the public health and safety of Michiganders. The new order:

News - Advocacy
Thursday, June 18, 2020 12:00 AM

Governor Whitmer Extends State of Emergency Through July 16, Allows Remote Meetings Through July 31

June 18, 2020

On June 18, 2020, Governor Whitmer signed Executive Order 2020-127, which extends the state of emergency declaration related to the COVID-19 pandemic until July 16. In doing so, Governor Whitmer joins nearly every state in the country in maintaining a state of emergency to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. This executive order will allow her to continue taking action to protect Michigan families and workers.

She also signed Executive Order 2020-129 which extends a previous Executive Order allowing public bodies to conduct public meetings remotely during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Under EO 2020-129, public bodies subject to the Open Meetings Act, including boards, commissions, committees, subcommittees, authorities, councils and nonprofit boards, can use telephone or video-conferencing methods to continue meeting and conducting business during the COVID-19 public health crisis, so long as they follow certain procedures to ensure meaningful access and participation by members of the public body and the general public. The order also temporarily authorizes public bodies, departments and agencies to use technology to enable remote participation in public comment and hearings, and temporarily excuses school boards from monthly meeting requirements. EO 2020-129 expires on July 31, 2020.

Public bodies must meet the following criteria when holding a public meeting remotely:   

  • Ensure two-way communication for members and the public to hear and address each other when speaking.   
  • Provide adequate notice to the public of the meeting.   
  • Post a public meeting notice on their website.   
  • Permit participants to record or broadcast the public meeting.    
  • Allow participants to address the public body during a public comment period. 

Executive Order 2020-127

Executive Order 2020-129

News - Advocacy
Saturday, June 06, 2020 12:00 AM

Reminder: Reopening is a Dimmer Switch

June 6, 2020

MLA wants to remind all libraries in Michigan that we are behind you as you gradually bring your services and your facilities back up to speed. We encourage you to over-communicate your reopening plans through your website, your social media sites, through your local radio stations and newspapers, and other communication vehicles that will inform your patrons and others that it will take time once you are back in your buildings to prepare your sites, first to offer limited services (like curbside), and doing everything you can to mitigate the further spread of the coronavirus before you open your doors.

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