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MLA Advocacy News
News - Advocacy
Thursday, August 27, 2020 12:00 AM |
State of Michigan Budget...Better "Bad" News
August 27, 2020
In May 2020, Michigan was staring at a $3.1 billion budget hole in the FY 2020 budget. After a third Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference on Monday, August 24, the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 hole is now estimated at approximately a $936 million loss, based on updated state revenue numbers.
In better news comparatively, the FY 2021 revenue hole is approximately $384 million in the General Fund with a $12.4 million hole in the School Aid Fund. But economists are now projecting that the combined FY 2021 and FY 2022 revenue shortage will create a combined $4.2 billion hole that is unlikely to be fixed without federal support.
News - Advocacy
Thursday, August 27, 2020 12:00 AM |
Letter to Superintendents
August 27, 2020
MLA has urged members of the Board of the Michigan Association of Superintendents & Administrators to support Michigan’s 1.5 million students by maintaining or increasing certified school librarians in all 894 Michigan school districts. We stand united with the Michigan Association for Media in Education (MAME) in our efforts to refocus attention on this critical and essential resource for our children.
News - Advocacy
Wednesday, August 26, 2020 12:00 AM |
MLA Receives MCACA Emergency Relief Fund Grant
August 26, 2020
MLA recently received a Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs (MCACA) Emergency Relief Fund Grant. MLA was awarded $2,500 which will help us continue in our mission to lead the advancement of all Michigan libraries through advocacy, education and engagement.
MCACA awarded Emergency Relief Fund Grants to nonprofit arts and cultural organizations throughout Michigan to provide relief from the negative financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
News - Advocacy
Wednesday, August 26, 2020 12:00 AM |
Michigan Cultural Institutions Unite to Promote the Importance of Arts and Culture Funding
August 26, 2020
With the upcoming state budget discussions looming, the Cultural Advocacy Network of Michigan (CAN) has been actively advocating the past few weeks. You will be proud to note that libraries have been amplifying their voices, sharing the importance of state aid to libraries and their contribution to our communities.
CAN is a relatively new advocacy organization of statewide associations that represent the full breadth of cultural interests in each of our communities, including libraries, arts organizations, festivals, historical societies, museums and historic preservation.
News - Advocacy
Wednesday, August 12, 2020 12:00 AM |
Library Stabilization Fund Act Outreach Continues
August 11, 2020
MLA continued outreach to our federal legislators with a letter urging them to cosponsor the Library Stabilization Fund Act (S. 4181 / H.R. 7486).
This legislation, supported by ALA and introduced by U.S. Rep Andy Levin (D-MI-9) would provide $2 billion for libraries administered through the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The legislation would keep nearly 370,000 library workers on the job, defray costs related to safe reopening, and support a range of library services to millions of patrons, including:
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