MLA News | Michigan Library Association
News - MLA
Written by Kathleen Zaenger, 2016-2017 MLA President and 2017-18 Nominating Committee Chair   
Thursday, April 12, 2018 12:00 AM

MLA Leadership Development - April 12, 2018

This year as immediate past president, it was my privilege to chair the MLA Board of Directors Nominating Committee. It is the nominating committee's responsibility to present a slate of candidates to the Board for their approval.

It is important to maintain and continually develop a strong board for MLA. The Nominating Committee looks for well-rounded candidates, possessing some of the following leadership traits or skills: big picture focus/global outlook, change agent, innovative, open-minded and knowledge of current issues. When selecting candidates we take into account the candidate's contributions to MLA via committee and work group membership and legislative and advocacy participation. Greater weight is given to those candidates exhibiting continued support and service to MLA. Also, care is taken to consider the geographic representation of the current board makeup during the selection of possible future board members. This is to ensure a good balance of candidates from various regions of the state.

News - MLA
Thursday, April 12, 2018 12:00 AM

Academic Libraries Interest Group - April 12, 2018

Exciting news! The Michigan Library Association is pleased to introduce their newest Interest Group - Academic Libraries! MLA has been a longtime Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) chapter and has pledged to strengthen that relationship. By establishing this Interest Group, MLA exhibits a deep commitment to their mission "helping libraries and library professionals succeed".

News - MLA
Monday, March 26, 2018 12:00 AM

Librarian of Congress Visits Taylor Community Library

On Saturday morning the Taylor Community Library hosted Librarian of Congress Dr. Carla Hayden. She visited to present Library Director Theresa Powers with books from the Library of Congress and to celebrate March as National Reading Month. Assistant Library Director Vanessa Verdun Morris opened story time for Dr. Hayden and U.S. Congresswoman Debbie Dingell. State Rep. Erika Geiss was also in attendance. The library was full and the Taylor library staff did a beautiful job with the event. 

Thursday, March 22, 2018 12:00 AM

MLA Advocacy - March 22, 2018

Interior image of the Michigan State Capitol Dome

Michigan voters in November will elect a new governor, secretary of state, attorney general, Michigan supreme court justices, and both state and federal senators and representatives. This means that elected officials as well as candidates will spend considerable time campaigning throughout the next eight months. When the final weeks of lame duck session roll around we will be watching closely for any legislation impacting our libraries.

A number of ballot proposals will be decided in November as well. Here is a detailed outline of the proposal process and the questions we should expect to see this fall. This document is provided by MLA lobby firm GCSI.

News - MLA
Written by Gail Madziar, MLA Executive Director   
Thursday, March 08, 2018 12:00 AM

Executive Director's Desk - March 8, 2018

Gail Madziar Headshot

NIS Insurance Start Date Adjusted to July 1, 2018

MLA has partnered with National Insurance Services, Inc. (NIS) to provide another resource for affordable health care coverage to member library staff. We have been waiting patiently for this benefit to begin. When we initiated this program in 2017 it was a much simpler process than it is currently. We fully expected plans and rates in place by January 1 of this year.

News - MLA
Written by Steven K. Bowers, 2017-2018 MLA President   
Thursday, March 08, 2018 12:00 AM

President's Update - March 8, 2018

Steven Bowers - MLA 2017-18 President

Special libraries, public libraries, academic libraries, school libraries. Those of us working in libraries tend to classify library types into divisions. I guess it's in our nature to organize information. But an interesting thing to note is that most of the general public, including most legislators, don't see those divides. They are pro-libraries (hopefully) and they see us all as one. That's good news, I think, and that is part of why the MLA mission is to support all libraries in Michigan.

Thursday, February 22, 2018 12:00 AM

MLA Advocacy - February 22, 2018

The Budget Process BeginsInterior image of the Michigan State Capitol Dome

Governor Rick Snyder proposed his 2019 budget. Library funding remains pretty much unchanged from 2018. This is step one in the budget process. Both the House and Senate will make their own recommendations. Any differences between the chambers are decided in conference committee. The proposed budget then heads back to the governor for his signature.

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