News - MLA
Written by Gail Madziar, MLA Executive Director
Thursday, January 10, 2019 12:00 AM |
Executive Director's Desk - January 10, 2019
Leadership and Succession Planning
Leadership development and succession planning are common topics at the MLA office lately. Not only because they soon will directly impact our office when I retire in March but also because our 2019 MLA professional development lineup includes a growing assortment of opportunities to enhance these key factors for your library staff.
News - Advocacy
Friday, December 21, 2018 12:00 AM |
MLA Advocacy - December 21, 2018
Special Lame Duck Update: What passed, what died and what is still in question.
At 4.:30 a.m. this morning the House was still in session passing bills. They started at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday. The Senate adjourned at 8:18 a.m. after their marathon session. The 2018 legislative year and contentious lame duck session is finally over. We'll be watching for any legislation that may have passed in the dark of night as legislators finished up work on their final bills.
News - MLA
Friday, December 14, 2018 12:00 AM |
Sen. Jim Stamas Named 2018 MLA Legislator of the Year
State Sen. Jim Stamas (R-Midland) was recognized as 2018 Michigan Library Association Legislator of the Year for his leadership in promoting libraries and supporting legislation advancing the library mission. Stamas received his award at the MLA Board of Directors meeting on December 14, 2018 in Lansing.
News - MLA
Written by Kristin Shelley, 2018-2019 MLA President
Thursday, December 13, 2018 12:00 AM |
President's Update - December 13, 2018
December is a time of reflection, for me. As I get involved in holiday events, parties and shopping, I tend to get lost in memories of the year. I think about the books I have read; the authors I have seen and met; movies I have watched; friends and family I have spent time with; places I have traveled; the political scene and midterm elections; and great programs the library has hosted or that I attended. I also think about everything I want to accomplish before the end of the year, like writing my 2018 best reads list, weeding my closets, and the list goes on. This year my reflections have been plentiful and very fulfilling. I had the great honor of meeting and moderating the One Book, One Community event with United States Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, and recently I did my first-ever podcast with author Mitch Albom.
News - MLA
Written by Gail Madziar, MLA Executive Director
Thursday, December 13, 2018 12:00 AM |
Executive Director's Desk - December 13, 2018
I just finished reading Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project. Gretchen spent an entire year researching the cause and effect of happiness in an effort to determine if she could make herself happier. While the conclusion I came to after finishing the book was that we are all responsible for our own happiness, it also made me see that we can have a big influence on other's happiness as well if we so choose.
News - MLA
Monday, December 03, 2018 09:15 AM |
2019 Michigan Author Award Call for Nominations
MLA is seeking nominations for the 2019 Michigan Author Award. The award recognizes an outstanding published body of literary work by an author who is either from Michigan or has substantial ties to the state.
News - Advocacy
Thursday, November 29, 2018 12:00 AM |
MLA Advocacy - November 29, 2018
NARCAN Bills Head to Senate Floor
SB 828 and 829 cleared the Senate Health Policy Committee this week and are headed to the Senate floor. The bills would offer liability protection for libraries when providing the life-saving opioid antidote naloxone, common brand name Narcan, to an overdosing patron. Recently, the Senate Health Policy Committee took testimony on SB 828 and 829, and as a result of testimony headed up by MLA President Kristin Shelley, the committee chair requested an amendment to the legislation which would protect all public locations from liability including libraries. While this delayed the legislation briefly the broader implications for public safety are tremendous. We fully expect legislation to be signed into law by the end of this legislative session.
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