MLA News | Michigan Library Association
News - MLA
Written by Julia Eisenstein, MA, MLIS, University of Detroit Mercy   
Thursday, March 14, 2019 12:00 AM

Academic Libraries Interest Group Update

Did you know MLA hosts an Academic Libraries Interest Group? This Interest Group was formed to have a regular forum to discuss matters that are relevant and useful to academic library professionals, to promote libraries on college and university campuses, and to offer professional development opportunities and support.

Awards - Thumbs Up!
Saturday, March 02, 2019 12:00 AM

2019 Thumbs Up! Award Teen Vote Open Through May 31

We are pleased to announce the top ten titles for the 2019 Thumbs Up! Award. A group of youth and teen librarians worked throughout the year to read from a list of more than 150 titles to identify the top selections using the following criteria: story, setting, theme, voice, accuracy, style, characters and design.

News - Advocacy
Thursday, February 28, 2019 12:00 AM

MLA Advocacy - February 28, 2019

Interior image of the Michigan State Capitol Dome

State Budget Due March 5

The Governor's budget will be proposed on March 5. At that time we will have an indication of the administration's priorities. Once we are aware of the library support we can expect from the governor, we can begin building our support among the legislature. It is unlikely we will see a budget completed prior to the summer break.

News - MLA
Written by Gail Madziar, MLA Executive Director   
Thursday, February 14, 2019 12:00 AM

Executive Director's Desk - February 14, 2019

Gail Madziar headshot

“Change is inevitable. Your growth is optional.” John C Maxwell, leadership author.

When it comes to conferences I am a firm believer that sometimes you learn as much during a conversation in the hallway as you do sitting in a session or listening to a speaker.

News - MLA
Written by Kristin Shelley, 2018-2019 MLA President   
Thursday, February 14, 2019 12:00 AM

President's Update - February 14, 2019

MLA 2018-19 President Kristin Shelley

Happy Library Lovers Month! I hope you are all feeling the love and warming up!

The end of January brought the ALA Midwinter Conference and the Polar Vortex. I was able to attend the Councilor’s Forum at Midwinter with Jennifer Dean, Michigan’s ALA Councilor. Jennifer and I were excited to meet other association presidents and councilors from around the country.

News - MLA
Written by Lance Werner, Executive Director, Kent District Library and ALA President Candidate   
Thursday, February 14, 2019 12:00 AM

Creating Better Libraries and Stronger Communities through Kindness, Empathy and Love

The world is in desperate need of more kindness, empathy and love. Incorporating kindness, empathy and love into your daily life inspires others and creates stronger friendships, communities and familial relationships. Now for some editorializing: I feel strongly that the world is in the state it’s in because there’s an utter lack of kindness, empathy and love. All you have to do to know that I’m speaking the truth is watch the news. It breaks my heart. I ask myself, “why do we accept this?” and “what am I going to do?” What are you going to do to change that? Start with this — be kind. Be empathetic. Be loving. If each person makes that commitment, we can start a revolution. We can make kindness the new norm. We’ve accepted a level of behavior that’s low and we need to raise the bar. We need to get back to caring about each other. We need to realize that everybody matters.

News - MLA
Tuesday, February 12, 2019 12:00 AM

MLA 2019 Call for Proposals Now Open

The MLA 2019 Annual Conference work group seeks a variety of program and poster proposals on topics addressing the wide range of professional responsibilities found in libraries. Library professionals interested in sharing their insights, experiences, and knowledge are invited to submit a proposal for consideration. Librarians, staff and administrators from all types of libraries are encouraged to participate.

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