MLA News | Michigan Library Association
News - Advocacy
Wednesday, May 06, 2020 12:00 AM

Executive Order 2020-75 Extends Order Allowing Remote Public Meetings During the COVID-19 Pandemic

May 6, 2020

Tonight, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed Executive Order 2020-75, which extends a previous Executive Order that allows public bodies to conduct remote public meetings during the continuing COVID-19 pandemic. Executive Order 75 expires on June 30, 2020.

News - MLA
Friday, May 01, 2020 12:00 AM

Effective Immediately, All Michigan Libraries to Remain Closed to the Public Through May 28, 2020

April 30, 2020


On Thursday, April 30, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed Executive Order 2020-69 which extends her previous order that temporarily closes certain places of public accommodation such as libraries, theaters, bars, casinos and more.

Read Executive Order 2020-69

This information sheet provided by the Library of Michigan contains details on the recent Executive Order 2020-69 and how it, in conjunction with EO 2020-59 (Stay at Home Order) and EO 2020-48 (Virtual Public Meetings) may affect library activities.

Please note that this document is only for research and information and is not to be considered legal advice. Libraries with questions or concerns regarding how executive orders may affect their operations should consult their attorney for advice. 

News - MLA

Curbside Service and Reopening Plans for Michigan Libraries

April 30, 2020

Updated - EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY - LIBRARIES TO REMAIN CLOSED THROUGH MAY 28, 2020. On Thursday evening, April 20, 2020 Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed Executive Order 2020-69 which extends her previous order that temporarily closes certain places of public accommodation such as libraries, theaters, bars, casino, and more.

You are all amazing! In just 24 hours, MLA heard from 331 library directors who stated that they will be ready to offer curbside services in their phased-in plans to reopen - 71% will offer curbside, 23% are unsure, and 6% will not offer it at all.

News - MLA
Sunday, April 26, 2020 12:00 AM

"Stay Home, Stay Safe" EO 2020-59 - Update For Libraries

April 26, 2020

On Friday, Governor Whitmer released Executive Order 2020-59 which continues to state that all individuals are ordered to stay home unless considered essential and that all activities are suspended if they do not sustain or protect life until May 15th. We urge our library members to remain patient, continue your online services, and to begin preparation of your reopening plans to serve your patrons in the future.

News - Advocacy
Thursday, April 23, 2020 01:10 PM

COVID-19 Impacts on State of Michigan Budget

April 23, 2020

Libraries need to prepare now for diminishing revenues in FY2020 and FY2021. Preliminary revenue estimates for the State of Michigan for the remainder of this fiscal year and FY2021 are not looking very promising. In a report delivered in mid-April, the University of Michigan Research on Quantitative Economics (RSQE) has advised state officials and the Governor on projected revenue numbers due to the COVID-19 economic crisis. (Note: Formal revenue projections will be delivered on May 15th. )

News - MLA
Thursday, April 23, 2020 12:57 PM

Update on COVID-19 Library Closures

April 23, 2020

Governor Whitmer is expected to announce extensions and adjustments to the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” executive order on Friday, April 24. Lawmakers argue that certain accommodations can be made to allow some businesses to return if proper safety precautions are made. Libraries will probably not be affected and should prepare for an extension of their closures.

To date, the most accurate summaries on the Executive Orders and other current legislative activity can be found in the attached information sheet compiled by the Library of Michigan.

News - Advocacy
Thursday, April 23, 2020 11:16 AM

Take Action for Libraries Today - Reach out to Your Legislators

April 23, 2020

MLA continues to reach out to all of our Senators and House members to remind them of the importance of libraries throughout Michigan. We encourage you to reach out to them as well and make sure that in these difficult times that they are hearing from you too. Since we cannot visit with them in person or invite them to hold their coffee hours at our libraries right now, we suggest you email them and let them know what you are doing, even with the physical doors closed. You can find their contact information by inputting your address at the following websites: Find your Representative | Find your Senator

Our state legislators need to know that access to digital resources, delivered by our libraries, has become critically important to our citizens in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak. Libraries have stepped up to successfully deliver these resources to our communities.

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