Close up of Education Muse painted on the interior of the Capitol dome in Lansing, Mi 

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Thursday, January 27, 2022 12:00 AM

GCSI Redistricting Analysis

In late December, the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission completed their work and voted to adopt new district lines for Michigan’s Congressional, State Senate, and State House. These districts are a dramatic departure from the current seats and will change the landscape for the 2022 election.

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Thursday, January 27, 2022 12:00 AM

2022 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference

In mid-January, state budget officials met at the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference. "Higher than anticipated growth in income tax and sales tax revenues means the state probably has about $600 million a year in ongoing general fund revenues beyond what it anticipated earlier," stated Budget Director Christopher Harkins.

The state has $5.8 billion in anticipated surplus state revenues and about $15 billion in still unspent federal stimulus and infrastructure funds that it can spend over the next several years. Much of this is for “one-time expenditures” and not to begin new programs or to sustain programs already a part of state government.  

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Penal Fines Distributed to Public Libraries

October 28, 2021

While it is true that penal fines have never been intended to be a primary source of a library’s budget, some Michigan public libraries rely on penal fines as an important and reliable “piece of the pie.” Linked here is the chart of penal fine distributions for public libraries compiled by Kathy Webb at the Library of Michigan.

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Call to Action - Contact Your Representatives to Oppose Legislation That Diverts Penal Fines

October 14, 2021

House Bills 4535 and 4536 were introduced earlier this year by Rep. Ken Borton, R-Gaylord. House Bill 4535 (HB 4535) would prohibit wheeled vehicles from driving on snowmobile trails between December 1 and April 1. House Bill 4536 (HB 4536) would direct the fines from these violations to be deposited into an account for the further maintenance of the snowmobile trails.

On Thursday, June 17, both bills passed out of the Committee on Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation to the Michigan House of Representatives on a unanimous vote, despite MLA testimony in opposition. Today, the bills were read for a second time in the House and are headed to a vote next Tuesday, October 19. This is a Call to Action by MLA to oppose House Bill 4536.

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State of Michigan Budget Updates

September 23, 2021

Last week, legislative leadership and Governor Whitmer’s administration issued a joint announcement that a budget deal had been finalized for the FY22 state budget.  On Tuesday, Sept. 21, legislative leaders moved a massive $50 billion spending plan out of a joint House-Senate conference committee that has shaped the FY22 general government omnibus budget.  On Wednesday, Sept. 22, the House and Senate, in separate votes,  gave quick approval to the spending plan. The Governor has indicated she will sign it in time for it to take effect for the new fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1.

Linked here is the summary of the General Omnibus Conference Report which outlines the updates and changes to the General Fund:

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