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MLA Advocacy News


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Wednesday, February 09, 2022 01:12 PM

Governor Whitmer's Fiscal Year 2023 Proposed Budget

Today, Governor Whitmer introduced her FY23 proposed budget with a $74.1 billion spending plan, the largest in state history. The Governor’s priorities for FY23 are laid out specifically on page 3 of the budget presentation document and the Budget Stabilization Fund – “Rainy Day Fund” has increased by $51.8 million bringing the total fund to $1.5 billion.

Even with increases in revenue, the Governor’s General Fund budget, which totals $14.3 billion, remains flat for Library State Aid at $15,067,700 but also continues to include $800,000 for a Library Pilot project for school and public library collaboration. (See pages 79 and 80 in the FY23 General Omnibus Budget). Other line items for the Library of Michigan take into account slight salary and program increases from FY22 for MeL and other library operations. 

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Thursday, January 27, 2022 12:00 AM

2022 Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference

In mid-January, state budget officials met at the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference. "Higher than anticipated growth in income tax and sales tax revenues means the state probably has about $600 million a year in ongoing general fund revenues beyond what it anticipated earlier," stated Budget Director Christopher Harkins.

The state has $5.8 billion in anticipated surplus state revenues and about $15 billion in still unspent federal stimulus and infrastructure funds that it can spend over the next several years. Much of this is for “one-time expenditures” and not to begin new programs or to sustain programs already a part of state government.  

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Thursday, January 27, 2022 12:00 AM

GCSI Redistricting Analysis

In late December, the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission completed their work and voted to adopt new district lines for Michigan’s Congressional, State Senate, and State House. These districts are a dramatic departure from the current seats and will change the landscape for the 2022 election.

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Thursday, January 27, 2022 12:00 AM

Open Meetings Act Changes for Libraries Introduced in the Michigan House as HB5689

Allowing library boards to meet remotely has taken on a new purpose with increased engagement/attendance of the public in remote meetings, and recognizing the extreme geographic distances traveled by many board members to participate at in-person meetings. 

The Michigan Library Association (MLA) is pleased to inform you that yesterday, Representative John Damoose (District 107) has introduced House Bill 5689 which will update Section 3a (MCL 15.263a) as amended by 2021 PA 54 of the Open Meetings Act to allow cooperative library boards and local library boards to meet virtually if they choose.  The bill was referred to the Local Government and Municipal Finance Committee.

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Penal Fines Distributed to Public Libraries

October 28, 2021

While it is true that penal fines have never been intended to be a primary source of a library’s budget, some Michigan public libraries rely on penal fines as an important and reliable “piece of the pie.” Linked here is the chart of penal fine distributions for public libraries compiled by Kathy Webb at the Library of Michigan.

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