Call for Nominations for 2025 MLA Board Election Now Open
The Call for Nominations for candidates for the 2025 Board of Directors opens today! The Nominating and Leadership Development Committee (NLDC) will be seeking nominations/self-nominations for four member-at-large directors as well as the President-elect position, with terms beginning in July 2025 and ending in June 2028.
Do you know someone who would be a great addition to the MLA Board of Directors? Submit a nomination! We also encourage you to self-nominate if you are interested in serving on the MLA Board.
The submission deadline is 5:00 PM on Monday, November 1, 2024. Submit a nomination by clicking the link below. For any questions please contact Debbie Mikula, Executive Director at [email protected]
More information about qualifications and criteria is linked below:
Learn more about MLA Officer Positions (pdf)
Learn more about Board Member Responsibilities (pdf)
State Revenue Estimates are Way Down, but Budgets Won’t Need Fixing
Below is an edited and condensed version of a Citizens Research Council of Michigan (CRCM) blog post – used with permission and as reported by the CRCM:
In a Nutshell
- Updated state revenue forecasts suggest GF/GP revenue will decline by more than $4.3 billion across FY2023, FY2024, and FY2025.
- Those revenue downgrades are almost entirely attributable to the major tax reductions enacted in March and April.
- The revenue adjustments will be “much ado about nothing” for state lawmakers as they finalize the state’s budget in the coming months. The budgets that have passed the House and Senate are already largely in line with these new estimates.
Both the House and the Senate have already passed their own spending plans for the Fiscal Year (FY)2024 state budget, paving the way for conference committees to iron out the differences between the two chambers’ proposals over the coming months.
Take Action to Support School Libraries!
In early March, State Senator Darrin Camilleri (District 4) and Senator Rosemary Bayer (District 13) introduced a package of tie-barred bills requiring a library staffed by a certified school librarian in every public school in the state. These bills replicate the house bills that were introduced in the last three legislative cycles but didn’t move any further.
New Podcast Debuting in November
What can happen when a few very creative individuals sit around a table with a glass of wine and a good idea? At the PLA Conference in Columbus this past spring, we found out. One of the coop directors, a few library directors, and MLA staff were enjoying conversation when they hit upon a great idea for a joint project that would be fun and inspiring – a monthly podcast celebrating the lives of library workers throughout Michigan. For the past 6 months, MLA and the Library Cooperatives of Michigan have been working together to plan and prepare for a grand debut of Chapter and Verse on November 14, 2024.
Hosted by the Michigan Library Association and the Library Cooperatives of Michigan, Chapter and Verse: Storytime from the Stacks features dedicated Michigan library workers and their inspiring stories. Each episode welcomes a library worker from one of Michigan's 11 cooperative regions to share their most interesting and inspiring experiences.New episodes will premiere on the second Thursday of each month.
Note From Debbie
September 26, 2024
Stronger together! That was the uniting message coming out of Washington DC this past week at the National Summit on Intellectual Freedom for 150 librarians, library association executives, representatives from the ACLU, NCAC, PFLAG, publishers, authors, the Obama Foundation, booksellers, Red Wine & Blue, advocates, and so many others. MLA was honored to have been invited, not only to represent our members and association but also to represent the International Council for Library Association Executives (ICLAE) that we are a part of.
For over three years, since the beginning of the culture wars that have put our First Amendment Rights through unprecedented challenges, those invited to attend have been on the frontlines guarding and protecting these rights. What we came to realize in our short time together is that we all represent and speak to diverse and unique communities. But, at the end of the day, we all agreed that we must step up TOGETHER, find a common message, fight like hell, and leave egos at the door. We need to acknowledge the hard, exhausting, and daunting work, and that we have to do it anyway.
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