News - Advocacy
Saturday, June 06, 2020 12:00 AM

Reminder: Reopening is a Dimmer Switch

June 6, 2020

MLA wants to remind all libraries in Michigan that we are behind you as you gradually bring your services and your facilities back up to speed. We encourage you to over-communicate your reopening plans through your website, your social media sites, through your local radio stations and newspapers, and other communication vehicles that will inform your patrons and others that it will take time once you are back in your buildings to prepare your sites, first to offer limited services (like curbside), and doing everything you can to mitigate the further spread of the coronavirus before you open your doors.

A reminder that there are more details and another Executive Order forthcoming from the Governor’s office concerning reopening plans for Arts and Culture. Libraries are included in this and are a sub-committee of the Entertainment and Travel/Tourism groups. These new guidelines will address the importance of a slow reopening plan and making sure that circulation and quarantine processes for at least 72 hours are incorporated into your plans.

As the Governor continues to remind us – reopening is a dimmer switch, not an on/off switch. We know that by reminding your patrons frequently about your plans that they will understand that this is in their best interest. Right now, you need to make sure that you are following your newly adopted policies and procedures to reopen gradually and safely.


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