News - Advocacy
Tuesday, May 19, 2020 12:00 AM

Call to Action: Urge Governor Whitmer to Allow Libraries to Begin Curbside Services

Updated -- May 20, 2020

MLA is here to help our libraries be totally prepared for the eventual phased-in reopening of their facilities and their services. Libraries across Michigan are now preparing individualized phased-in reopening plans and library administrators are being very careful and thoughtful to take into consideration staff and patron protections from the continued spread and/or a resurgence of the coronavirus. Many libraries are ready to begin implementing curbside services. We are now asking the Governor to allow libraries to offer curbside and no-contact pickup services.

Phased-in reopening plans take into account the many considerations libraries must evaluate to safely reopen and serve their communities. In many of these reopening plans, curbside service is one of the first services to be offered. With the proper PPE and quarantining processes in place for returned items, libraries are able to begin implementing curbside services.

Please contact Governor Whitmer today and tell her you will be ready to begin implementing curbside services at your library. Use the message we prepared or add details about how your library is ready to serve your community with curbside and no-contact pickup services.

"The Michigan Library Association surveyed more than 330 libraries across Michigan and concluded that once Executive Order 2020-92 and Executive Order 2020-69 are lifted, libraries will be ready to begin their phased-in approach to reopening curbside and no-contact pickup services. 

Our library will implement a phased-in reopening plan and we are taking careful account and instituting protocols to keep patrons and staff protected. We are confident that if we have the proper PPE and quarantining processes in place for returned items that we are ready to begin implementing curbside services."

Email Governor Whitmer using the form available on the Governor's website or visit to send your email through our action center. We also encourage you to share a message on social media:

Governor Whitmer’s Website:
Twitter: @GovWhitmer
Facebook: @GovGretchenWhitmer

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