News - Advocacy
Thursday, January 25, 2018 12:00 AM

MLA Advocacy - January 25, 2018

Interior image of the Michigan State Capitol Dome

Net Neutrality Fight is Far From Over

The FCC voted to gut the net neutrality protections that limit the power of Internet Service Providers - like Verizon and Comcast - to slow websites, block mobile apps, or in any way control the information we access. This 3-2 vote to roll back strong, enforceable net neutrality protections was made amid widespread protests, millions of public comments and overwhelming opposition from across the political spectrum.

Modern libraries rely on the internet to collect, create and disseminate essential online information and services to the public. Strong, enforceable net neutrality rules, like the ones Chairman Pai just rushed to dismantle, are critical to keeping the internet working the way it does now.

The Congressional Review Act gives Congress the ability and authority to nullify the FCC's actions. Congress can and should vote to restore net neutrality and protect the free and open internet. Contact your members of Congress today and ask them to use a Resolution of Disapproval under the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to overturn the FCC's disturbing rulemaking.

Go to the page now and tell Congress to Restore Net Neutrality

Follow #NetNeutrality

Library Protection for Narcan Use

MLA is working with the Library of Michigan and Michigan Department of Education to help craft legislation that would give libraries protection in the event of Narcan distribution. The proposed language would hold libraries harmless when administering life-saving Narcan in the result of a drug overdose at the library. Currently Good Samaritan laws protect individuals from prosecution but as governmental entities libraries could technically be held liable if something went wrong. Our goal is to have libraries treated much like school districts. We are looking to have a bill introduced shortly and do not expect opposition.

Candidate Questionnaires

In the upcoming months MLA will be providing questionnaires to candidates for state office. We will be looking for their views on libraries, education and other important topics. Consider holding a candidate forum in your library. Be sure to invite everyone running for the office to ensure impartiality. Watch for more information on this topic in future updates.

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