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We will offer several ways libraries, library staff and patrons can get involved. This month we ask that you submit the Michigan Library Appreciation Month proclamation to your local elected officials to give them time to proclaim their support! Issuing a proclamation can sometimes take a month or more but it's simple to do. Identify a council member, mayor, superintendent, dean, or supervisor to sponsor the proclamation and have them present it at a commission meeting or important leadership function.

Watch for social media ideas, newsletter copy, graphics and more resources and easy ways to participate next month and plan to join the celebration to highlight Michigan libraries, librarians, and library workers all October long!


Seeking Quotable Library Workers

Every October, we celebrate and highlight our love of libraries during Michigan Library Appreciation Month on social media. We usually share quotes from authors, celebrities, and other public figures, but this October we want to feature your words! All October, Michigan librarians’ and library workers' quotes will be featured in shareable social media graphics that will include their name and library and quotable wisdom.

It’s easy to participate just send us your quote, name, and library name!

So, what makes a quotable post? You’ve probably read a few of these before:

"I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of a Library."
Jorge Luis Borges
"Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve, and contribute to improving our quality of life."
Sidney Sheldon
"The only thing that you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library." Albert Einstein "I have found the most valuable thing in my wallet is my library card."
Laura Bush
"Libraries always remind me that there are good things in this world."
Lauren Ward

Your quote should be short, meaningful, and memorable! It should address one of the prompts below:

  • Why libraries matter and are still more relevant than ever.
  • What is the #1 most important thing a library does for the individual, community, or society?
  • What is your favorite thing about libraries?

Quotes should be 10-35 words or around 150 characters max. To participate, please email your quote, name and library name to Rachel Ash, MLA Membership and Communications Director at [email protected] by Friday, September 1. Depending on how many we receive, we may not be able to use them all, but know we will use at least 31 of them.

Thank you for helping us highlight Michigan libraries!


Uniting the Michigan Library Community

MLA is proud to partner with organizations serving the library community.

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