News - MLA
Friday, June 23, 2023 12:00 AM

Humans of Michigan Libraries

We want to feature YOU on social media! Check out MLA's popular Humans of Michigan Libraries series on Facebook and help us put a human face on the library profession. It's easy to participate if you want to be featured! The project is inspired by Humans of New York. In our series, we are highlighting stories of librarianship all over Michigan on MLA social media accounts using the hashtag #HumansofMILibraries. With these short interviews and photos, we hope to showcase a more personal side of Michigan libraries.

It’s easy to participate and we would love to feature you!

Please answer any question(s) or prompt(s) below in about ~100-150 words and grab a photo or two of yourself in your library. Then just email us your answer and photo. The photos and full answers will be posted to the MLA Instagram and Facebook accounts along with your first and last name and the name of your library. Your library will also be tagged on social media.


  • Describe a specific moment when a library patron has made an impact on you.
  • Describe an event in your life that made you want to pursue librarianship.
  • What has been your proudest moment with the library?
  • Is there anything you hope to see change in libraries, why is it important to you?

Photo notes:

  • This is a great chance to show off your library spaces as well!
  • Make sure your photo is clear and well-lit.
  • No photo editing or filters, please.
  • Please do not send professional photos that need photo credit or permission to use.

To participate, send the question or questions you are answering along with your answer(s), your name as you would like it to appear in the post, the pronouns you would like us to use in the post, and your library's name to Rachel Ash, MLA Membership and Communications Director, at [email protected].


Uniting the Michigan Library Community

MLA is proud to partner with organizations serving the library community.

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