MLA Connect Archives
Thursday, December 16, 2021 12:00 AM

MLA Connect Advocacy Hour: Intellectual Freedom

Thursday, December 16, 2021
10:00 - 11:00 AM

MLA’s new Advocacy Hour Conversations are an opportunity for the library community to learn more about MLA's advocacy and legislative priorities including funding, elections, property taxes, literacy, internet access, privacy, intellectual freedom and more. Each month, we will address a new topic and share any pending legislation introduced in the House or Senate that could impact the Michigan library community. Open discussion and Q & A will follow this interview-style agenda.

On Thursday, December 16, join Lance Werner, Director of the Kent District Library, and Amber McLain, Director of the Patmos Library, as they talk about intellectual freedom rights, share personal experiences, and open a conversation about book challenges, censorship, upholding rights to privacy, library audits, and MLA’s statement of principle. 

Chat log - MLA Advocacy Hour Intellectual Freedom.txt


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