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Written by Ryan Wieber, MLA President   

The staff and membership of MLA are pulling together on many fronts to keep us aware and connected, to provide learning and professional development opportunities, and to keep our voices and stories known at the legislative level. Examples include those who are working hard advocating for possible changes to the Open Meetings Act and virtual board meeting attendance, and the many folks involved in planning and executing top-quality professional learning opportunities like the upcoming Spring Institute and this fall’s Annual Conference. 

If you haven’t yet, please register for the all-virtual March 1, 2022, Michigan Library Advocacy Day where we’ll hear from ALA Executive Director Tracie D. Hall, and get updated on current calls to action and legislative priorities. The Advocacy and Legislative Committee, together with MLA staff, have created a power-packed afternoon I know you will find worthwhile!

Ryan Wieber
MLA President


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