Michigan Library Association
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MLA Condemns Macmillan Publishers eBook Lending Model

August 27, 2019

MLA calls on the library community and library patrons to contact Macmillan Publishers to express their objection to the company’s new policy.

The Michigan Library Association (MLA) has joined the American Library Association (ALA) in denouncing Macmillan Publishers’ new library eBook lending model. Under the new model, scheduled to take effect November 1, 2019, a library may purchase only a single copy of each new title in eBook format upon release, after which Macmillan will impose an eight-week embargo on additional copies of that title sold to libraries.

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Letter from Debbie

August 22, 2019

If you've been watching our Facebook page this summer you know that MLA has been on the road around the state, enjoying behind the scene tours, and participating in thought-provoking conversations about where you, our members, feel we should head. With our leadership transition firmly established, I am inspired by the honest and open dialog that I am having at these visits. You’ve stated that you want MLA to be intentional about our future, to move the needle, to look outward at other industries, and bring a fresh, new perspective to our collective impact.

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Written by Deborah E. Mikula, MLA Executive Director   

Notes From the Executive Director

Deborah E. Mikula headshot

A New Face, A New Voice

Two weeks ago, I took my first step into the MLA office and my first thought: I'm ready, on day one, minute one, to share my knowledge and expertise gained over the past 35+ years with you. It makes me incredibly happy to step in and step up for MLA! It has been a whirlwind two weeks so far, to be ingrained in the inner workings of this organization, introduced to some very passionate and extraordinary librarians, and to continue to build on relationships with esteemed colleagues and bring some new ones into the mix. Without hesitation, I’ve found my new “home.” 

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ALA 2019 Annual Chapter Councilor Report

Michigan Chapter Councilor Jennifer Dean's ALA 2019 Councilor Report now available. Read the report here.

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Written by Jennifer L. Dean, University of Detroit Mercy Libraries   

Update: ALA Steering Committee on Organizational Effectiveness

Recognizing a need for organization-wide change to ensure member engagement and financial viability, the American Library Association (ALA) Executive Board created the Steering Committee on Organizational Effectiveness (SCOE) in 2018, with the following charge:

Carry out a comprehensive review and study of ALA’s governance, member participation, and legal structures and systems, with the goal of proposing changes that will vitalize its success, strength and agility as a 21st-century association.

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