MLA News | Michigan Library Association
News - MLA
Tuesday, June 30, 2020 09:56 AM

Governor and Legislative Leaders Reach FY 2020 Budget Compromise

June 30, 2020

On June 29, 2020, Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey, and House Speaker Lee Chatfield reached a bipartisan budget agreement, which includes adjustments to the fiscal year 2020 budget and allocation of Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) dollars. The budget agreement includes modest reductions in current year funding but also provides CARES Act funding for Michigan schools and educators, universities and community colleges, and local governments to address the significant COVID 19 costs they’re facing. The FY 2020 budget year for the State of Michigan ends September 30, 2020. The full Legislature must still approve the agreement.

View the FY 2020 Budget Agreement: FY 2020 Budget Agreement

News - MLA

Letter from Debbie

June 25, 2020

We knew that by the end of June, MLA would need to make a firm decision concerning how we were going to move forward with MLA’s 2020 Annual Conference. It is now that time!

After thoughtful consideration, we are ready to announce that the 2020 Annual Conference that was planned for Kalamazoo October 28-30, will not be held as an in-person event. Instead, we are transforming it into a first-class virtual event, with the same educational and inspirational programming that MLA members have enjoyed and taken part in for the last 129 years - keynote addresses, breakout sessions, virtual exhibits, an awards ceremony, MLA’s annual meeting and fun networking opportunities.

News - MLA
Thursday, June 25, 2020 12:00 AM

NEW MLA Equity Fund Grant

 June 25, 2020

The NEW MLA Equity Fund Grant is an individual grant opportunity created to reduce financial barriers and uplift the professional development of individuals currently underrepresented in the library profession.

MLA has many restricted funds that have been donated to us over the years – most with specific use attached. As we looked for ways to recognize the needs of underrepresented individuals within the library community, the MLA Board approved a change to a fund that didn’t have any restrictions or ties. With the dollars already within the fund, and a commitment to fundraise each year to keep it a healthy resource, we proudly unveil the MLA Equity Fund Grants.

News - Advocacy
Thursday, June 18, 2020 12:00 AM

Governor Whitmer Extends State of Emergency Through July 16, Allows Remote Meetings Through July 31

June 18, 2020

On June 18, 2020, Governor Whitmer signed Executive Order 2020-127, which extends the state of emergency declaration related to the COVID-19 pandemic until July 16. In doing so, Governor Whitmer joins nearly every state in the country in maintaining a state of emergency to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. This executive order will allow her to continue taking action to protect Michigan families and workers.

She also signed Executive Order 2020-129 which extends a previous Executive Order allowing public bodies to conduct public meetings remotely during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Under EO 2020-129, public bodies subject to the Open Meetings Act, including boards, commissions, committees, subcommittees, authorities, councils and nonprofit boards, can use telephone or video-conferencing methods to continue meeting and conducting business during the COVID-19 public health crisis, so long as they follow certain procedures to ensure meaningful access and participation by members of the public body and the general public. The order also temporarily authorizes public bodies, departments and agencies to use technology to enable remote participation in public comment and hearings, and temporarily excuses school boards from monthly meeting requirements. EO 2020-129 expires on July 31, 2020.

Public bodies must meet the following criteria when holding a public meeting remotely:   

  • Ensure two-way communication for members and the public to hear and address each other when speaking.   
  • Provide adequate notice to the public of the meeting.   
  • Post a public meeting notice on their website.   
  • Permit participants to record or broadcast the public meeting.    
  • Allow participants to address the public body during a public comment period. 

Executive Order 2020-127

Executive Order 2020-129

News - Advocacy
Saturday, June 06, 2020 12:00 AM

Reminder: Reopening is a Dimmer Switch

June 6, 2020

MLA wants to remind all libraries in Michigan that we are behind you as you gradually bring your services and your facilities back up to speed. We encourage you to over-communicate your reopening plans through your website, your social media sites, through your local radio stations and newspapers, and other communication vehicles that will inform your patrons and others that it will take time once you are back in your buildings to prepare your sites, first to offer limited services (like curbside), and doing everything you can to mitigate the further spread of the coronavirus before you open your doors.

News - Advocacy
Friday, June 05, 2020 03:19 PM

Governor Whitmer Releases Updated Workplace Standards for Retail Including Libraries, Reopens More Regions Under MI Safe Start Plan

June 5, 2020

On June 5, 2020, Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed Executive Orders 2020-114 and 2020-115 to reopen more regions and economic sectors under the MI Safe Start Plan.

Starting on June 10, Regions 6 and 8 — which include much of northern Michigan and all of the Upper Peninsula — will advance to Phase 5 of the Governor’s MI Safe Start Plan. Phase 5 allows the reopening of salons, movie theaters, and gyms, subject to safety protocols and procedures designed to minimize the spread of COVID-19.

News - MLA
Wednesday, June 03, 2020 12:00 AM

Necessary Conversations on Institutional Racism

A message from MLA President Kristin Shelley
June 3, 2020

Black Lives Matter

In an October 4, 2013 “Scientific American” article by Julianne Chiaet, she writes that “reading literary fiction improves empathy.” It is evident, now more than ever, that we need empathy. As we grapple with racial inequities and racial conflict in our communities and our country, we need to have difficult discussions with elected officials, with community members, with our neighbors, with our friends, and with our families. However, many of us do not know how to begin these conversations. We do not know or understand what institutional racism is; and we do not know the historical context of the protests that are happening in our communities today. So often it is easier for many of us not to discuss race and the history of Black Americans, but this silence impedes healing and progress. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr said, “There comes a time when silence is betrayal.”

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