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Advocacy Hour: Banning and Censorship Challenges from the Youth Voice
Thursday, June 20, 2024, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST
Category: MLA Connect Advocacy Hour

MLA Connect Advocacy Hour: Banning and Censorship Challenges from the Youth Voice

Thursday, June 20, 2024 
10:00 - 11:00 AM

MLA is proud to welcome members of Detroit Area Youth Uniting Michigan (DAYUM) and Harry Susalla, Adult Ally of DAYUM to our June MLA Advocacy Hour. DAYUM is a youth-run activist organization dedicated to fighting for a seat at the table for marginalized youth in decision-making about their lives and communities.

Join MLA and DAYUM for a conversation about coalition building to address the issues of book banning and censorship and promote the right to read.

Special Guests

Detroit Area Youth Uniting Michigan, DAYUM is a youth-run activist organization fighting for justice in their communities. DAYUM’s mission is to fight for a seat at the table for marginalized youth in decision-making about their lives and communities.


View Recording at
MLA COnnect On Demand


Advocacy Hour conversations are always free to attend but registration is required. 

MLA Connect Advocacy Hours are an opportunity for the library community to learn more about MLA's advocacy and legislative priorities including funding, elections, property taxes, literacy, internet access, privacy, intellectual freedom, and more. Each month, we will address a new topic and share any pending legislation introduced in the House or Senate that could impact the Michigan library community. Open discussion and Q & A will follow the interview-style agenda.

Monthly sessions will take place generally on the third Thursday of the month at 10:00 am. Advocacy Hours are free to attend to anyone interested in joining the conversation! A maximum of 500 attendees can join each live event. Registered attendees will receive information and a link to access the meetings on the Zoom platform. 

Please note recordings of all MLA Advocacy Hours are available to watch for free and on-demand at MLA Connect On-Demand.

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MLA is proud to partner with organizations serving the library community.

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