News - MLA

Letter from Debbie

September 24, 2020

cartoon stick figure spinning platesLike many of you, my internal calendar resets and my new year begins when September rolls around. Perhaps it is because the summer is winding down and school begins in earnest. Perhaps it is because of the change in the weather. September has always given me the chance to reflect on accomplishments, to step up my game, and to set new parameters to achieve our goals for the upcoming year.  

A few days ago, I was thinking of how much work we have accomplished, and how much we have added to our plates and taken on since the pandemic. I like to work “proactively”, but the pandemic has most of us working “reactively” and I hate to admit how much of our advocacy work is still not settled, still a bit chaotic – we still have many spinning plates in the air (and who, might I ask, lit them on fire?)

The “spinning plates” metaphor seems to fit this situation nicely, don’t you think? You know, someone spinning plates with their hands, then on their feet, etc. You get the picture! The spinner focuses on the new plate, beginning its spin, steadying it, but always turning back to each of the existing plates as they begin to slow down. With remarkable focus, all the plates are spinning at once, and it takes great skill to introduce even one new plate without disturbing the others. While we can do this for a little while, we really need to settle things, to get them under control, to remove a plate or two so we can put more concentration on other projects and ideas.

As I write this, the universe has given me a sign that we are on the right path and that the spinning plates are almost under control. The amount of hard work and tireless attention to budgets and bills and restructuring and relationship building and soothing egos and cleaning up policies and above all else, being open to new possibilities, is leading to a show-stopping finale.

Today, the Michigan Legislature has added $1 million to the FY21 state aid to libraries line item. One plate removed!

Yesterday, the Senate moved SB611 – the Michigan Library Privacy Act to the next stage. Another plate removed!

All in all, I know you’ll agree, it was a good couple of days! But there are still other plates in the air and our focus and energy continue on them.

I’ve come to realize that it is okay to have a lot of spinning plates in the air, but you have to keep your energy and attention on them all until it is time to slow them down (and that is when the feelings of satisfaction and accomplishment come into play.) Amplifying our voices, advocating for our libraries, is never-ending. The results and impact of our many voices working together are worth every phone call, email and text.

As I reflect over the course of the past year, two individuals have guided me and prodded me every step of the way to make MLA a truly unique and well-oiled advocacy organization. Both have given me space and encouragement to outline a new path. Both have been my “sounding board” and support system since my hire. They are both truly special leaders and teachers, and I know that they will always be at the other end of the line when I call. If you have the opportunity – please make sure to thank Past President, Kristin Shelley for her time and devotion to MLA’s mission and vision and our lobbyist, Bob DeVries for his political savvy and unwavering support for Michigan libraries. Their opinions and perspective, while very different, are exactly what I need to guide the good work of MLA.

Here’s to extinguishing a few more fires and taking some of those other plates out of the air.

Debbie Signatiure

Deborah E. Mikula
Executive Director


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