News - MLA
Friday, March 20, 2020 12:00 AM

New Strategic Plan and Mission

March 20, 2020

Last August, when we began asking what you wanted from MLA you stated that you want MLA to be intentional about our future, to move the needle on advocacy, to look outward at other industries to address global trends, and bring a fresh, new perspective to our collective impact. With that said, MLA is proud to unveil our 2020-2022 Strategic Plan that will serve as a road map for MLA.

We believe without a doubt, that this new plan will guide us in expanding and improving how we deliver core services and help us envision a more culturally rich environment for Michigan through public, academic, school and special libraries. We are so thankful for all of you who responded to our call for input. We have a new plan, a new mission, and a new vision to guide us into the future. Read the highlights below and the full plan here.

New Vision:

The Michigan Library Association is an indispensable resource and valued leader, partner and advocate for Michigan libraries.

New Mission:

The Michigan Library Association leads the advancement of all Michigan libraries through advocacy, education and engagement.

New Strategic Priorities:

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion; Collaborations and Partnerships; Transparency; and Engagement and New Ideas

New Goals:

Advocacy; Knowledge; Community; and Organizational Excellence

We thank you again for helping set our agenda and for contributing your thoughts to our new direction. We are already implementing and moving the needle in light of all that has taken place in the past week with the global health crisis. Expect great things from MLA.


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