News - Advocacy
Friday, August 26, 2022 12:00 AM

Letter to Legislators and Candidate Outreach

Check out the August edition of our monthly outreach to Michigan Legislators where we continue to educate them on the value of our libraries and the critical role of library staff. Our outreach and advocacy efforts begin even before candidates take office.

This November, many seats are up for election so this month we reached out to current legislators and the primary winners that will be on the ballot. We shared stats about library usage and introduced ourselves so they know they can contact us! We received a great response with many candidates affirming their support for libraries. We look forward to continuing to build collaborative relationships with our Michigan Legislators so they know how valuable libraries are to their communities and are educated about the library profession and libraries' role in upholding intellectual freedom, privacy, and access for all. Thank you to the Library of Michigan for providing the data. The Michigan library statistics we shared are compiled by the Library of Michigan from the Annual Report/State Aid Application submitted by public libraries, cooperatives and braille and talking book libraries.


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