What are Community Forums?
Community Forums are an online discussion platform for MLA members. The purpose of MLA Community Forums is to provide a platform for members to exchange ideas and resources. Each forum has a designated topic of discussion, and users can create new discussion threads or post to existing ones as needed. Community Forums are also intended to act as a repository of these conversations that MLA members can reference in the future.
How to Use the Forums
All active MLA members can view and post on the Community Forums. If you are unable to view any discussion forums, you may not be logged into your MLA member account. To access the Community Forms, please log into the MLA website. If you do not know your login credentials, contact us at [email protected]. Once logged in, you can navigate to the forums in one of three ways: click on “Community Forum” under your name and organization information, select “Community Forum” from the Membership dropdown menu, or visit milibraries.org/community-forum.
On this page, you may click on any discussion forum to access it. Each board is composed of “topics” (conversation threads about a particular question or subject with replies). Optionally, you can “subscribe” to topics to receive email notifications of new posts.
Please ensure you have reviewed the forums rules and the MLA Code of Conduct before posting. |
Last Edited On: 10/04/2024 10:32:52 AM By Keeley Briggs |