Michigan Library Association
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Written by Leslie A. Warren, Dean, Library and Instructional Support, Northern Michigan University   

Education, Creativity & Community - What I Learned at SXSW EDU

Last month I attended SXSW EDU in Austin, Texas. It's from the same family of festivals/events that brings us the big SXSW music festival. This was my first time attending and it probably won't be my last. The conference was probably more diverse than anything else that I attend. In general, the content was at the broad intersection of education, creativity, and community. Participants and speakers were from K-12, higher ed, non-profits, corporations, teachers, administrators, students, vendors, etc. primarily from the US, but also global. https://www.sxswedu.com/

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Written by Kristin Shelley, 2018-2019 MLA President   

President's Update - April 11, 2019

MLA 2018-19 President Kristin Shelley

It is National Library Week! Since 1958, libraries across the country have been celebrating National Library Week by acknowledging our patrons, staff, and all the innovative and engaging services we provide our communities. The American Library Association established this year’s theme as Libraries = Strong Communities.

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MLA 2019-2020 Call for Volunteers

The 2019-2020 Call for Volunteers is now open! Take advantage of the opportunity to make a difference in the Michigan library community. Develop your leadership skills and grow your professional network by volunteering to serve on a committee or work group. If you're interested in growing personally or professionally, we have a place for you.

All members are welcome to participate. Online sign-up is available through April 19.

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Written by Gail Madziar, MLA Executive Director   

Effective Succession Planning

Gail Madziar headshot

Succession planning continues to be a popular topic at the MLA office as we await the selection of a new executive director. In addition, I continue to observe a growing number of library director openings as well as several Coops in search of new leadership.

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Written by Julia Eisenstein, MA, MLIS, University of Detroit Mercy   

Academic Libraries Interest Group Update

Did you know MLA hosts an Academic Libraries Interest Group? This Interest Group was formed to have a regular forum to discuss matters that are relevant and useful to academic library professionals, to promote libraries on college and university campuses, and to offer professional development opportunities and support.

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