
New FLSA Overtime Rule Webinar:  What Does This Mean for Your Library?

The U.S. Department of Labor published their final ruling on the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) in May 2016. The rule, which will be effective December 1, significantly increases the minimum salary level for "white collar" employees to qualify as exempt from overtime pay requirements. Under the new rule, no employee who has a guaranteed salary of less than $47,476 will qualify as exempt under the executive, administrative, or professional exemptions. That's more than double the current minimum salary level of $23,660 and only slightly lower than the Labor Department's proposed $50,440. Join WilliamTucker, CPA and Principal for Abraham & Gaffney P.C. as he explains this new rule and how it will affect your library.

Presented by William I. Tucker CPA, Abraham & Gaffney, PC



New FLSA Overtime Rule (pdf)