Written by Gail Madziar, MLA Executive Director   

Executive Director's Desk - June 14, 2018

Gail Madziar Headshot

State Aid to Libraries Gets Million Dollar Boost

Great news for libraries again this year. The Senate/House Conference Committee increased State Aid to Libraries by $1.0 million GF/GP over last year, which translate to a 9% increase and brings the per capita payments from $0.36 to $0.39. This is great news as we work to gradually rebuild this funding source. Our Senators Goeff Hansen (R-Hart) and Jim Stamas (R-Midland) worked hard to get that additional funding in the budget. Please take a moment to thank them for their unwavering support of libraries.

New Director Training Available Soon

MLA is offering a comprehensive New Director Training for librarians new to the job as director. It would also be helpful for those directors moving to a larger library. Details will be available soon. We’re very excited for this new opportunity as our Michigan library horizon boasts many newly minted directors.

Exciting Changes to MLA Database Underway

You’ll soon be noticing changes to the MLA website and registration system. Transition to our new database MemberClicks is almost complete. It will offer enhanced navigation, a dedicated annual conference site and easier registration for our professional development events.

Insurance Services Opportunity

Thank you for your patience as we work through details in our partnership with National Insurance Services, Inc. to provide another resource for affordable health care coverage to member library staff. We are on track to have details about available plans later this summer. For information contact Rick Labian, National Insurance Services, Inc. Direct: 262.780.1248 / Toll free: 800.627.3660 x1248.

MLA Annual Conference is October 17-19, 2018 at Suburban Collection Showplace Diamond Banquet Center Novi. Registration opens next week.

This year’s keynotes are designed to help you recharge, increase communication skills and find additional ways to enjoy your work with Brenda Viola’s opening keynote, Go the Extra Mile (When You're Running on Empty). Dedicated librarians are the wind beneath EVERYONE'S wings - from staff to volunteers to the community at large. No one asks you to go the extra mile - you just DO, because that's what you're known for - passion, dedication and unwavering resolve to set the standard of excellence in your organization. But what if you're close to running on empty? Even superstars have battle scars and need to re-charge their batteries. Learn the six secrets to getting your mojo back in this inspirational keynote.

The goal is to take a moment for self-reflection; a "report card" accompanies the presentation so that participants can grade themselves on six key areas that can cause burnout. Being aware of areas in need of improvement will empower you to take action that will enable you to Go the Extra Mile (when you feel like you’re “running on empty.”)

Thursday’s keynote lunch with Patty Buccellato brings us Influence Without Words: What You Say Before Opening Your Mouth.

You uphold an unwavering commitment to excellence. You’re uber-competent, and you maintain high standards of leadership and in serving patrons. But are you at the top of your game in the nonverbal skill set? Human beings speak at an average rate of 125 words per minute, yet it’s been documented that our brains process at 400-800 words per minute. What are your listeners hearing during the gap?

Nonverbal cues speak volumes. Though we’re not all born gifted communicators, the traits of the masters can be acquired. Infuse new energy into your messages with the Three Secrets of Stellar Communicators. Learn how you and your staff can master the messages sent between your words for impactful outcomes in every interaction!

Closing Keynote with Maxine Bleiweis; You Came, You Saw. Now How to Go Out and Conquer. Following a full conference schedule, it would be good to kick back and relax, right? Not after you listen to Maxine Bleiweis spur us on to take what we’ve heard and experienced over the conference and put in into practice. Listen and be inspired to turn your notes and conversations into action as you hear how someone with seemingly little chance for success looked at the world with a different lens after being challenged by her circumstances.

This year as you are making your professional development plan, remember to review the MLA scholarship opportunities. Workshops, Academic Libraries Conference, Spring Institute and the upcoming New Director Training will all have scholarships available. Visit the scholarships webpage for more information.

Library of Michigan also offers stipends that can be used for MLA 2018 and other events. Learn more.

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