
MI Library is Now logoAll summer, we have been promoting the new technology and content available to Michigan libraries through the MI-83 Project ARPA Grants. The campaign for the MI-83 Project will conclude at the end of September, but this October and beyond we are continuing the celebration of how MI Library is NOW...better than ever.

Michigan’s libraries continue to evolve and expand their services and now offer more programs, events, services, resources, and collections than ever to serve and support their communities. MI Library is NOW an art gallery, a concert venue, a community living room and so much more. Join us in participating in Michigan Library Appreciation Month and help us highlight just how much of an impact our libraries have made in the lives of Michiganders and how libraries now provide more than ever before.

We will offer several ways libraries, library staff and patrons can get involved. This month we ask that you submit the Michigan Library Appreciation Month proclamation to your local elected officials to give them time to proclaim their support! Issuing a proclamation can sometimes take a month or more but it's simple to do. Identify a council member, mayor, superintendent, dean, or supervisor to sponsor the proclamation and have them present it at a commission meeting or important leadership function.

Watch for social media ideas, newsletter copy, graphics and more resources and easy ways to participate next month and plan to join the celebration to highlight Michigan libraries, librarians, and library workers all October long!

MI Library Is Now