News - MLA
Thursday, April 12, 2018 12:00 AM

Academic Libraries Interest Group - April 12, 2018

Exciting news! The Michigan Library Association is pleased to introduce their newest Interest Group - Academic Libraries! MLA has been a longtime Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) chapter and has pledged to strengthen that relationship. By establishing this Interest Group, MLA exhibits a deep commitment to their mission "helping libraries and library professionals succeed".

To jumpstart the group, MLA will create an email list, so you may receive a message in your inbox from the group soon. Inclusion in the list is open to any MLA member. If you are a member of both MLA and ACRL you will automatically be included as well as the many MLA members who advocated for the Academic Libraries Interest Group's creation.

Our next steps include hosting an online meeting to plan both formal and informal activities. We are also actively encouraging new ideas and ways of sharing news and issues affecting academic libraries. Librarians of all types are interested in serving students and supporting research, two areas associated with the academic community. Yet, certainly there are many other commonalities. The Academic Libraries Interest Group welcomes librarians at any stage in their career. It is great that this group is formally established, thank you MLA Board!

Monique Oldfield
Academic Libraries Interest Group Chair
MLA-ACRL Chapter Representative

Jill Sodt
Academic Libraries Interest Group Chair Elect

If you would like to opt out of the email list, please contact MLA at [email protected].

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