
It is unacceptable that a library worker in a Michigan school library would cut the hair of a child without parental permission. This is a violation of Jurnee’s civil rights and an assault on her person. We believe the media assistant and any others that were involved in cutting Jurnee's hair should be held accountable and disciplined. We are outraged that school leadership, including the principal and superintendent, did not immediately address this atrocious, racist and violent act of a white staff member cutting the hair of a BIPOC individual. We call on school leadership to support Jurnee and take the actions necessary to educate school staff on the history, causes, and consequences of structural racism in the United States.

We want to make clear that the media assistant who perpetrated these acts is not a “librarian,” she is not a “teacher,” and she is not a “media specialist” as defined by the Michigan Department of Education. But she does represent the library profession even as a media assistant/paraprofessional, and this is why MLA and MAME must address this. MLA and MAME believe that our K-12 schools are best served when a certified school librarian, who has a valid Michigan teaching certificate with a Library Media (ND) endorsement, is hired to work directly with our students in these critical positions. Their professionalism, high principles and values, and the code of ethics to which they are committed are embodied in their extensive training.

As a result of this egregious behavior, the Michigan Library Association and the Michigan Association for Media in Education call on Michigan lawmakers to amend the 1976 Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act and support and enact House Bill 4275 – Michigan CROWN Act – as sponsored by Representative Sarah Anthony (D - Lansing), specifically created to prohibit discrimination against hair texture and hairstyle choices. We also call on Michigan lawmakers to support and enact bills HB4663, HB4664, and HB4665 that are being introduced by Representative Camilleri, Representative Koleszar, and Representative O’Neal to ensure that no child is without access to a certified school librarian.

When horrific actions and behaviors like those outlined are brought to our attention, we must all stand united and speak out when anyone is threatened, marginalized, and discriminated against because of their race or ethnicity.

Jennifer L. Dean, PhD, MLIS
MLA President

Shannon Torres
MAME President




The Michigan Library Association (MLA) is Michigan's oldest and largest library association. For 130 years, MLA has led the advancement of all libraries through advocacy, education and engagement. MLA's membership is comprised of 1,700 individual and organizational members from public, academic, school, tribal and special libraries. For more information visit

The Michigan Association for Media in Education (MAME) is the statewide association for Michigan school librarians and those interested in K-12 media center topics. MAME has been providing professional development and advocating at the state and national level to provide a voice and stronger presence for K-12 library professionals. For more information visit