Thursday, January 27, 2022 12:00 AM
Keeley Briggs Headshot

Born and raised in southwestern Michigan, Keeley originally specialized in informal education in a museum environment. She joined the library world in 2017 as part of the newly-formed Teen Services Department at the Branch District Library (BDL) in Branch County. Her proudest achievement in the years since is the expansion of BDL’s World Languages collection. Keeley is excited to join the team at MLA because, as a member, she experienced the benefits of the organization’s advocacy and educational opportunities first-hand. She enjoys reading and gaming and is unusually passionate about spreadsheets. 



Sophie Techentin headshot

Sophie Techentin is our new Social Media Intern here at MLA! She is a student at Oakland University. Sophie is currently a Public Relations and Strategic Communication major with an Interactive and Social Media minor. In her spare time, she can be found flying high in the air on her aerial silks, recording VoiceOver projects, and experimenting with new recipes. She’s a big video gamer and can often be found at her local library looking for manga and cookbooks.