00:28:27 Rachel Ash, MLA (she/her): Good morning everyone! 00:33:58 Bill Bowman: I am going into the building today, to set up for staff coming back in soon! 00:34:43 CYNTHIA STANCZAK: We've opened our dropbox, placed some orders for materials, and have lifted our delivery/mail holds. Holy smoke! 00:34:45 Sonya Norris: LM released a course in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Library Imagergy two weeks ago: https://my.nicheacademy.com/staffskills/course/12574 00:34:55 Valerie Meyerson: Intentionally and intensely diversifying our collections. Community Reads with White Fragility. 00:35:31 Dillon Geshel: Go Megan! 00:35:47 Vanessa Verdun-Morris: Taylor is training next week. We're opening for curbside on Monday, June 15. Socially-distant computer lab service opens on Wednesday, July 1. 00:37:37 Kat Boyer: I'm doing my best to get my library open as quickly and safely as possible to support my community, and also seeking grants to increase Internet access for our Benton Harbor Community. 00:38:36 Michael McEvoy: Curbside and Returns by June 15. Opening to some staff June 8. Hoping to be in "phase 3 - Grab and Go" with limited public in building by July 4th. Ramp up time! 00:40:25 James B Lenze: Garden City is opening for Staff tomorrow. Contactless pickup service will begin Monday June 8. Hours will be 12p-5p M-F. 00:41:16 CYNTHIA STANCZAK: Staff back starting Monday, with curbside June 15, no date on next phase yet. 00:41:33 Jenny Marr: Ferndale will start bringing staff back June 8th. We'll start curbside & delivery June 15th. No timeline for the next stages. Our library statement condemning racism is here https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=3015847188461117&set=a.131864013526130 00:41:50 Todd Reed: Thanks Megan, will you have removed some/most seating for phases 4 and 5? 00:41:54 Holly Hentz: Hamburg Twp. Library is ready for Curbside on Monday, June 8. We will continue with curbside only for at least 4 weeks. Limited services will be after that for the remainder of the summer. 00:42:39 Tina Hatch: Some staff back on June 8th for Milford with more staff added during that week for training. Curbside expected to start on June 15. 00:42:44 CYNTHIA STANCZAK: Anyone doing facility-wide disinfecting? What prompted that? 00:43:21 Holly Hentz: @cynthia - We did that back in March (when we thought we would open in April). 00:44:49 Garrett Hungerford: Redford Twp. opened to some core staff and pages yesterday. We are going to announce on Friday when we will start to offer curbside but it's looking like we will be ready for Monday, June 8th. From there we will announce next stages as we feel we are ready. 00:44:53 Kay Williams: We're doing on Friday. 00:45:12 Kay Williams: facility-wide disinfecting. 00:45:23 CYNTHIA STANCZAK: What resources are people using for training staff on PPE? 00:46:21 Kat Boyer: Cynthia, I got a video from our Health Department. 00:46:23 Kat Boyer: I can forward it to you 00:46:34 CYNTHIA STANCZAK: @Kat Boyer - Yes, please! 00:46:53 Bill Bowman: @Kat Boyer can you share it to the chat here? 00:47:05 Sonya Norris: Library-specific resources about COVID-19 and reopening including cleaning and masks: https://my.nicheacademy.com/reopening 00:47:13 CYNTHIA STANCZAK: I have a 35 minute one that someone shared yesterday? I haven't had a chance to watch it yet. 00:47:21 Julie Censke: I’m looking forward to seeing the written plans. 00:48:01 Kat Boyer: I think this is mostly about masks, but it is where I have a start: 00:48:01 Kat Boyer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-5RYKLYvaw 00:49:13 Amy Van Oordt: Here is one our library has sent out for staff. It is from Illinois. 00:49:19 Amy Van Oordt: https://www.railslibraries.info/events/181992?fbclid=IwAR1ooHBcQnGeGiTqhFIqZPnleQ6Qxj6sYL8kvXGRnPZVrGSzt1WyI8gMU6Y 00:50:04 Adam DeWitt: Thank you, Amy! That's very neat. 00:50:05 Shannon White: You can see the plans from Val on the Petoskey website under the section, PDL's Re-Opening Plans. https://www.petoskeylibrary.org/ 00:51:24 Shannon White: I've found many plans by reviewing MI library websites this week. Many of the full plans are posted and if not posted the communications to the public are available that explain the process, phases and dates to the community. 00:52:32 Amy Van Oordt: You are welcome! It is pretty thorough and interesting. 00:53:38 Adam DeWitt: We will have Baker & Taylor boxes for browsed books that will be quarantined. Also, Satellite plastic bins for the book drops. 00:54:18 Cindy Janes: Hello everyone! It's great to see my library friends! There are some behind the scenes considerations you need to consider prior to reopening: water lines have been stagnant and can possibly contain Legionella bacterium, which is the causative agent of Legionnaire's disease. Lines should be purged and potentially chlorinated. Additionally, air-handling systems may need adjustments or enhancements. Also, space-planning of the interior spaces. I'm with Fishbeck A/E and we are providing these services for several of our clients. Feel free to reach out if I can assist you: Cindy Janes - 616.914.6901 or cpjanes@fishbeck.com 00:57:16 Clare Membiela: Here is a good guide for buildings written with archives, museums and libraries in mind 00:57:19 Clare Membiela: https://aiha-assets.sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com/AIHA/resources/RecoveringFromCOVID-19BuildingClosures_GuidanceDocument.FINAL.pdf 00:57:20 CYNTHIA STANCZAK: Are you quarantining or merely wiping down browsed books? 00:58:06 Adam DeWitt: Both, if the book can be wiped. We're taking double-precautions. 00:58:07 riti grover: how are you staffing during phases? 00:58:12 Kat Boyer: Cindy, what if we have been having a cleaning person come in and work to sanitize the space? 00:58:20 Kat Boyer: Do you think that will be enough for the water lines? 00:59:43 Valerie Meyerson: Staffing issues - Petoskey laid off two part time employees and the rest of the part time are on an 80% workshare. The two laid off will come back once the building is open. We make sure there is no overlap in each area. 00:59:48 Kat Boyer: The number allowed in the building now is 25% of capacity? 01:00:10 CYNTHIA STANCZAK: @Kat Boyer, I'm planning to run all our water lines for at least 10 minutes each day for the next several days, turn off our drinking fountain, and our automatic toilets flush regularly when not used. 01:00:15 Adam DeWitt: Kat: if under 50,000 sq ft 01:00:18 Kat Boyer: Cynthia, we are just going to quarantine. 01:00:37 Adam DeWitt: If over, 4 per 1000 sq ft 01:01:05 Eva Davis: my husband works for the University of Michigan and they sent this video out about masks in particular: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSgoAnezNwE&feature=youtu.be otherwise we are looking to guides and videos available on the CDC website for training on PPE. 01:02:58 Ann DeLana-Anderson: Is anyone NOT going with curbside only initially? By that, I mean opening buildings to patrons right away? 01:03:20 Valerie Meyerson: The guidelines for the number allowed in the building will be coming out tomorrow. 01:03:51 Kat Boyer: Where will the guidelines be coming from? 01:04:09 Valerie Meyerson: @Ann There are a few libraries in Region 6 that are opening their doors on Monday - Wolverine, Indian River, Kalkaska. 01:04:51 Valerie Meyerson: The guidelines will be coming from the Governor's office. I think they will be out tomorrow. 01:05:05 Angela Pike: I have board members who don't quite understand curbside and want the building open to public as soon as possible, we have a meeting monday to approve policies 01:05:35 Linda Adams: How is this affecting your staffing levels as we look at a long term period with limited services? 01:05:47 jude halloran: Good luck Angela w/ your Board 01:06:10 Barbara Beaton: Any updates on MEL service resuming? 01:06:31 CYNTHIA STANCZAK: Is anyone else considering a fine/lost good clean slate and going fine-free? 01:06:35 Kat Boyer: Is there a quick and/or easy way to figure out building capacity? 01:06:37 Heather Wood-Gramza: \\iuy 01:06:50 Scott Garrison: @Barbara: https://www.mcls.org/mel/melcat/melcat-covid-19-information/ 01:06:53 Kat Boyer: Cynthia, we are already fine free, but I figured I might forgive some lost materials throughout this time. 01:06:53 CYNTHIA STANCZAK: We're also looking at dropping prices for copy & print, especially to support our local nonprofits 01:07:03 Linda Adams: Good focus: "establish your library as a critical community partner" 01:07:10 Kat Boyer: I am also planning for curbside print pick up. 01:07:11 Valerie Meyerson: @Kat Your fire department would know your capacity. 01:07:23 Kat Boyer: @Valerie, thank you! 01:07:27 Angela Pike: we went fine free, did not close our drop box and I have been quarantining and shelving as required so the staff didn't have so much to deal with 01:07:30 CYNTHIA STANCZAK: @Kat Boyer, we were planning to use the math noted for the over 50,000 01:07:48 Heather Wood-Gramza: -+ 01:07:49 Helena Hayes: Debbie - will MLA have a press release that we can use? 01:07:55 CYNTHIA STANCZAK: THANK YOU, CORY! BLESS YOU! 01:07:59 Heather Wood-Gramza: . ?'-+++ 01:08:25 Helena Hayes: Thanks, Cory! I'm totally there, too. 01:09:02 Kat Boyer: Am totally out of it, hence questions about how to quickly determine building capacity lol 01:09:21 Scott Garrison: MCLS has a checklist for steps to restart RIDES and MeLCat services here: https://www.mcls.org/files/3115/8980/9779/Checklist_to_resume_RIDES__MeLCat.pdf 01:09:30 Jerry Gross: I saw a comment that some of you are beginning to order materials again. For those of you with budgets ending June 30th that have funds they still need to spend, I have contacts with publishers who can have materials and invoices sent to your buildings before the end of the month. If interested please contact me for more information. grosshaus@netzero.net 01:11:01 Angela Pike: All orders were being sent to my house while the building was closed, it will shift back to the building after we open. 01:12:05 riti grover: Do we need Reopening Protocols Approved by the Board? 01:12:27 CYNTHIA STANCZAK: @Riti Grover - that's the heavy recommendation 01:12:33 riti grover: Is their review and acceptance without vote be OK? 01:12:35 Angela Pike: yes, they are legally responsible for any problems so they need to approve the general policy 01:13:14 CYNTHIA STANCZAK: With this new timeline, and the plans have to be approved and released to staff and public within two weeks of reopening, we're going to have to have a special meeting. 01:13:33 Adam DeWitt: We will have a special meeting next week. 01:13:53 Valerie Meyerson: My board reviewed and approved the re-opening plan and the workplace preparedness plan. They also approved a policy that gives me the authority to change the plan as needed, based on new orders. 01:14:29 Paul McCann: If you have construction drawings for your building, capacity may be listed on sheet A0.1 Project Information - we only have meeting room capacities posted and I had to call our contractor to find where this was recorded. 01:14:30 Angela Pike: special meeting? does the public need to be able to attend? 01:14:30 riti grover: Thank you so much!! 01:15:24 Adam DeWitt: Yes. With the current gathering regulations, it is possible, as far as I can tell. 01:15:36 Ann Sanders: Yur fire department's occupancy certificate is a quick place for your occupancy numbers 01:15:44 Clare Membiela: For occupancy, Call your fire marshall - that is the legal source 01:15:46 Angela Pike: zoom meeting for board? 01:16:01 Clare Membiela: Yes, zoom meetings still, for now 01:16:31 Angela Pike: clare i need to speak with you about the board meeting I want to have do you have time to talk after this 01:16:43 Clare Membiela: as long as occupancy restrictions in place, it is best to continue Zoom meetings. Youcan do those until June 30 01:17:14 Angela Pike: i have them wanting to meeting in building with public calling in by zoom is that allowed 01:17:43 Clare Membiela: Angela - I have a meeting after this but can talk at 1:30 ok? 01:17:49 Susan: What is the latest recommendation on returned book quarantine? 01:18:03 Angela Pike: sound good I have a ala meeting but i can get out of that 01:18:27 Clare Membiela: for now, plan on at least 72 hours for quarantine. 01:18:57 Savannah Shilton: Clare's template is very helpful, thanks Clare! 01:19:01 Valerie Meyerson: The committee recommended at least 3 days for quarantine. 01:19:24 Clare Membiela: LM template https://www.michigan.gov/documents/libraryofmichigan/Public_Library_Re-Opening__Coronavirus_Preparedness__Response_Plan_Template_691608_7.pdf 01:19:37 Kevin Hawley: REALM preliminary report came out this week - sounds like 72-96 hours of quarantine is recommended. 01:19:54 Sherma Horrocks: Clare could you send me copy as I got in late. rtl@richlandtownshiplibrary.com 01:20:08 Cindy Stanczak: @Kevin, I only saw the preliminary literature review. I thought that initial results weren't coming out until mid-June. 01:20:14 Cindy Stanczak: Can you point us to it? 01:21:03 Kevin Hawley: @Cindy Yes, just the lit review. We'd been planning on 72 hours, but that lit review had some indicators saying 96 hours. I think we'll extend ours just in case. 01:21:09 Clare Membiela: Sure Sherma! 01:21:41 Shannon White: You can find the REALM project here with updates https://www.webjunction.org/explore-topics/COVID-19-research-project.html 01:22:01 Kevin Hawley: @Cindy I also heard the mid-June estimate is optimistic. 01:22:08 Shannon White: No conclusions have been issued by this project. You can find periodic updates as mentioned here on this site. 01:24:04 Sonya Norris: Yay Clare! 01:24:16 Amy Comber Gross: THANK YOU Clare! 01:24:44 Becky Wartella: Clare's the best! 01:24:52 Julie Censke: thank you 01:24:54 Kat Boyer: Clare is the best I agree :) 01:26:03 Helena Hayes: Press release? 01:26:38 Todd Reed: Are the panelist libraries removing furniture/seating during the patron-limited phases? 01:27:06 Angela Pike: yes we are pulling furniture to maintain social distancing 01:27:19 Shannon White: LM has a Communicating During COVID document available on our COVID page here https://www.michigan.gov/libraryofmichigan/0,9327,7-381-88855_98256---,00.html while it does not have a press release it can help guide you. I would look at other library sites for text to use for a press release. For example, visit the Kent District Library page for their version. 01:27:24 Cory Grimminck: Yes, Portland is as well. 01:27:55 jude halloran: Panelists: are "requests" to patrons re: masks or time limits via signage/media or are you staffing at door to inform? 01:28:06 Shannon White: Communications for Libraries During COVID-19 https://www.michigan.gov/documents/libraryofmichigan/Communications_for_Libraries_During_COVID-19_692187_7.pdf 01:28:34 Teresa Natzke: We did the same in Franklin, Val 01:28:35 Virginia DeMumbrum: That communications document was super helpful! Thank you! 01:28:35 Clare Membiela: This is key Val - great! 01:28:48 Shannon White: KDL Press Release https://www.kdl.org/blog/kent-district-library-launches-curbside-pickup-and-announces-reopening 01:29:54 Kat Boyer: No ULTIMATE LIBRARIAN POWER? Darn :( 01:30:27 Barbara Beaton: Share staff surveys that have been done? Thanks! 01:30:53 Rachel Ash, MLA (she/her): The coffee hour recording will be available on the MLA Website here: https://www.milibraries.org/mla-connect-coffee-hour 01:31:17 Tracy Karbel: thank you for this information and your guidance! 01:31:22 Cathy Lancaster: Thank you! 01:31:23 Bill Bowman: Thank you!!!! 01:31:24 Jennifer Dye: Thank you! 01:31:25 Shannon White: Some online de-escalation you can pair with the MLA training can be found here The two de-escalation courses can be found using the direct links here too: • De-Escalation Skills and Practice https://my.nicheacademy.com/staffskills/course/12814 • De-escalation - Recognizing and Responding to Tense Situations https://my.nicheacademy.com/staffskills/course/12671 01:31:26 Adam DeWitt: Thank you everyone. 01:31:27 Kevin Hawley: Thank you! 01:31:28 Rebecca Hermen: Thank you! 01:31:28 Heidi Keppen: Thank you! 01:31:29 Megan Buck: thanks!!! 01:31:34 lynda wiltse: Thanks everyone!! 01:31:34 Rachel Ash, MLA (she/her): Thank you everyone! Hope you have a great Thursday! 01:31:36 Amy Van Oordt: thank you!