00:25:51 Debbie Mikula - Michigan Library Association: Good morning everyone. 00:26:56 Rachel Ash, MLA (she/her): Good morning everyone! 00:27:14 Lauren Arnsman: Hello! 00:28:03 Karen Knox: Amanda Gorman! 00:28:09 Ryan Deery: Excited about Amanda Gorman as well! 00:28:09 Debbie Mikula - Michigan Library Association: Agree @Karen 00:28:13 Michele Howard: agree! 00:28:15 Jessica Luther: Me too, Karen! She was amazing! 00:28:21 Lauren Arnsman: Yes! 00:30:12 Michele Howard: I'm here! 00:30:45 Patrick Koval (NMORC): Hi all! While Dr. McGreaham and James present, I'll be in the chat box to answer any questions 00:31:03 Debbie Mikula - Michigan Library Association: Thanks Patrick 00:35:18 Patrick Koval (NMORC): The OCLC report can be found here: https://www.oclc.org/research/publications/2019/oclcresearch-public-libraries-respond-to-opioid-crisis.html 00:37:22 Krystal Welters: Will the slides be available after the presentation? 00:39:51 Amber Sheerin, MLA (she/her): @Krystal - yes, we will post the slides and recording to the MLA website. 00:39:58 Patrick Koval (NMORC): Hi Krystal. Absolutely. 00:40:05 Patrick Koval (NMORC): Ah, Amber beat me to it. 00:40:39 Krystal Welters: Great thank you! 00:44:11 Kate Van Auken: can you put that link in chat please? 00:44:32 Amber Sheerin, MLA (she/her): https://www.tadl.org/policies/section-4-facilities/4-10-opioid-antagonist-administration-policy-and-procedures/ 00:44:33 Patrick Koval (NMORC): That policy can be accessed here: https://www.tadl.org/policies/section-4-facilities/4-10-opioid-antagonist-administration-policy-and-procedures/ 00:45:08 Patrick Koval (NMORC): Slow on the draw today 00:45:23 Kate Van Auken: Thank you! 00:45:57 Katie Rothley: Do you have to be in northern Michigan to receive the box? 00:46:33 Karen Knox: so if we're interested, how do we sign up? 00:47:47 Katie Rothley: I know some of the community coalitions have contacts to get free naloxone 00:47:48 Patrick Koval (NMORC): Our current distribution program will be focused on Northern Michigan, but we hope to apply for additional funding to expand that. 00:48:07 Katie Brinker: Are we eligible to apply for the grant if we are outside of the NMORC service area? 00:50:23 Debbie Mikula - Michigan Library Association: I believe that Emergent BioSolutions continues to provide free Narcan to public libraries. We can provide a contact if you are interested. 00:50:26 Jessica Luther: Our library is under renovation and we aren't due to return to our building until July, would we still be able to apply to receive the box and training? 00:52:21 Patti Skinner: We have worked with District 10 Health Dept. and had training from Project Red 00:53:03 Patrick Koval (NMORC): @Jessica, I'm sure the renovation would not be a problem. Definitely don't let that stop you from reaching out to us. 00:54:01 Jessica Luther: Awesome, thank you! 00:54:20 Kate Van Auken: What amount of money would you look at when asking for a grant for an area? 00:54:49 Eric Palmer: when will this recording be available for others to see? 00:55:05 Debbie Mikula - Michigan Library Association: A day or so Eric 00:58:10 Patrick Koval (NMORC): @Kate, that would likely be dependent on if you wanted to apply in collaboration with other libraries and/or if you have several branches, but we would be happy to discuss this further if you want to reach out to Dave or James. 00:58:41 Kate Van Auken: Perfect. Thank you! 01:00:24 Jeanette Leathorn: Besides training for the staff would there be training to explain it to our boards? 01:02:20 Patrick Koval (NMORC): @Jeanette, we would be happy to discuss having more in-depth training on harm reduction messaging if that would be of interest. 01:03:28 Hannah Ball: Two questions: 1. when you get naloxone, do you require all staff to get trained? Have you met resistance from some staff? 2. Seems possibly silly, but do you ban a patron who has overdosed, for a period of time? 01:06:46 Hannah Ball: Thank you! 01:06:57 John Clexton: I found as well that some were mortified to return 01:11:17 Dennis Kreps: I don't see anyone from Kalamazoo Public Library on this meeting today, but I think they are a really good example of proactive engagement of the community and training staff in this area 01:11:55 Michele Howard: @john Yes, absolutely mortified. 01:12:13 Amber Sheerin, MLA (she/her): Great point @Dennis. I agree, and I’m sure KPL would be happy to talk to anyone that has questions 01:14:46 Patrick Koval (NMORC): There are also a few news articles detailing the extension like this one: https://www.empr.com/home/news/narcan-nasal-spray-extended-shelf-life-naloxone-hydrochloride/#:~:text=Emergent%20BioSolutions%20announced%20that%20the,24%20months%20to%2036%20months. 01:15:15 Katie Brinker: Are you aware of any grants to help with the purchase of sharps containers? 01:15:19 Jacqueline Skinner: Thank you everyone!!! 01:16:37 James Stevens: James.stevens@affiliate.msu.edu 01:16:44 Hannah Ball: Thank you! 01:16:51 Katie Brinker: Thank you! 01:16:52 Lisa Buttigieg, MLA: Thank you all for your input today! 01:16:57 Eric Palmer: Thank you Great information 01:17:30 Lauren Arnsman: Thank you! 01:17:46 Pamela Christensen: Thank you an excellent program. 01:18:16 Cynthia Simpson: Excellent program-thank you very much! 01:18:46 Lisa Buttigieg, MLA: thanks Amber!! 01:18:51 Ryan Deery: Thank you all! 01:19:08 Victoria Shurly: Thank you!