00:32:12 Rachel Ash, MLA: Good morning everyone! 00:32:28 Chelsey Boss & Jen Noble: Good morning friends!! 00:32:39 Nakenya Lewis-Yarbrough: Hello Everyone 00:32:42 Jocelyn Levin, Spring Institute: Good Morning from Lyon Twp 00:37:59 Erin Durrett: When does the volunteer year start/end? When are applications to volunteer accepted? 00:41:27 Jocelyn Levin, Spring Institute: The Call for Volunteers online signup for 2021-2022 work groups and committees is open through April 30, 2021. 00:41:46 Rachel Ash, MLA: Thanks Jocelyn! Here is more info on the call for Volunteers: 00:41:47 Debbie Mikula - MLA: The volunteer year starts on July 1 00:42:05 Rachel Ash, MLA: https://www.milibraries.org/get-involved 00:42:41 John Clexton: Can you be on more than one committee? Or is that ill advised? 00:43:18 Jocelyn Levin, Spring Institute: How many committees and work groups are there at MLA? 00:43:26 Nicole Johnson: Is there a limit on how many years that you can serve on a committee? 00:43:37 Debbie Mikula - MLA: You can be on more than one - depends on how much time you have to commit. Each committee has different time commitments. 00:43:45 Nakenya Lewis-Yarbrough: Yes I love to listen to audiobooks 00:45:32 Erin Durrett: Out of curiosity, about how many books do you read in a year for Thumbs Up? 00:46:22 Debbie Mikula - MLA: No limits on how many years. 00:46:54 Amy Beckman: Do you have to have an individual MLA membership to volunteer on a committee? I know that our library has an organizational membership, but I am not an individual member. 00:48:16 Nakenya Lewis-Yarbrough: What is the time commitment for SI committee? 00:49:02 John Clexton: Also do the committees meet at MLA in addition to other for either work sessions or events? 00:49:13 Jackie Roseberry: Are there any committees or work groups that could really use more volunteers/struggle to find enough members? 00:50:51 Debbie Mikula - MLA: Meetings are taking place virtually until atleast next year. We like how many can participate from all over the state. 00:51:37 Debbie Mikula - MLA: @Jackie - the spring institute and the annual conference are always looking for individuals, but it depends on what you want to. Become involved in. 00:54:34 Rachel Ash, MLA: Thank you to everyone asking questions in the chat! Keep them coming and we will address all questions before the coffee hour ends 01:02:09 Jeanette Smith: I'm sorry, but I have to leave. I start my shift in the library at 11:00. I'm glad this is being recorded! 01:09:52 Nakenya Lewis-Yarbrough: Thanks Jocelyn and Amber. 01:13:33 STEPHANIE OLSON: Opportunities for retirees? 01:14:14 Nicole Johnson: Can MLIS students volunteer on the committees? 01:17:22 Nakenya Lewis-Yarbrough: Have a good day everyone. 01:17:41 Rachel Ash, MLA: You too Nakenya! 01:18:17 STEPHANIE OLSON: So good to see "young blood" on this. Libraries rock and so do you. 01:22:32 Nicole Johnson: The Thumbs Up! committee sounds awesome! Thanks for all the helpful information 01:24:20 Lisa Boyd-YouPer: Yes! You are 100% correct. Because of MLA experience I have also joined committees in ALSC and ALA 01:26:10 Rachel Ash, MLA: https://www.milibraries.org/get-involved 01:26:20 Chelsey Boss & Jen Noble: I will go and get signed up!! 01:26:35 Lisa Boyd-YouPer: Yay 😁 01:26:52 A.C. Alrey: Thank you. I am teaching a class and could not participate - only listen and view. 01:27:29 Natalya Anton: Sorry if I missed this but when should we hear about what committee are we on (approximately) 01:27:34 Chelsey Boss & Jen Noble: Thanks for answering all our questions. I am excited about the annual conference! 01:29:06 Andrea Burns: Thank you, have a great day. 01:29:10 Erin Durrett: Thank you!