00:52:43 Steve Bowers (he/him/his): Lots of vendors are now offering business intelligence reports for libraries. Some are now asking for information that seems to be protected from the MLPA. Are libraries allowed to share patron checkout (what books and when) and directory information (name, address, phone, email), and demographics (and/or interests) with third party vendors for doing marketing and operations reports? Or are we still limited to only providing data for these types of reports that are anonymized? There is some confusion because of the law allowing some of this type of information to be released for collection agency purposes. 00:53:59 Steve Bowers (he/him/his): Sounds like only anonymized info can be released for anything, except minimal info disclosure for collection agencies and ILL as needed for related business. 00:55:43 Kat Boyer: If you are doing reciprocal borrowing and your requirement is that they have a valid card at their home library, can you ask that of their home library? 00:56:11 Debbie Mikula: Please add more questions to the chat - we will come back to them at the end of the presentation 00:57:14 Peter White Library Adult Services: If we keep specific video footage related to a patron's behavior or related to a specific event (not necessarily criminal in nature). But certainly related to the library's code of conduct for more than 7 days in the past. Is this also subject to FOIA? 01:01:11 Kevin Hawley: Sometimes patron information is exchanged via email when dealing with overdue items borrowed via ILL. For example, if we lend a book to a patron at another library & it's not returned in a timely manner, the other library may email us saying "Oh, that patron never returns their books on time" or "that patron has X amount of overdue MeLCat books right now." No specific titles or other information is shared, and sometimes it helps us figure out whether to send them an invoice or not. Is that information we should be sharing? 01:05:41 Lorena McDowell: Does this include the freinds if ou have a written agreement in place with the friends? 01:07:25 CLARE MEMBIELA: Friends would only be included if they volunteer to work in the library, doing library work. Friends are generally a separate entity - even with an agreement. 01:08:21 CLARE MEMBIELA: I believe it would be. 01:08:39 Lorena McDowell: Our privacy policy policy has always just been a copy of Library Policy Act for Michigan, not something separate.. Is this ok? 01:13:21 Nan Schichtel: Is this law for all Michigan libraries, or just public libraries, or libraries receiving public funds, or ??? 01:14:28 CLARE MEMBIELA: This applies to all libraries 01:17:02 CLARE MEMBIELA: @ Steve: This could depend on the actual contract and where the information will be disclosed - if the reports are only for the library itself, the company using the information and making the reports would be liable for improper disclosure. 01:24:00 Kat Boyer: Yeah that helps. 01:25:29 Peter White Library Adult Services: But, they would have to give dates to request this footage, correct? 01:31:32 Kristin Shelley: Thank you!! 01:31:35 Kat Boyer: Thank you!